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New Years Eve, December, 2001

''The lads are gonna' come round tonight whilst Mum is out with Penny.'' Matt tells me with a sniffle of his runny nose whilst each of us carry shopping bags from the boot of Mum's car.

She gave us the span of five seconds to get our arses out of bed to help her bring the shopping in which is why Matt is tip-toeing painfully in a pair of Mum's slippers with his dressing gown scraping against the steps of our house whilst I follow him in a pair of shorts and an old Manchester football top that I got on sale in Primark after the Premier League about four years ago. I've gone up about three sizes since then but it still contributes to being my favourite pyjama top.

''Alright.'' I try to say as neutrally as possible so not to let on to the way that I'm quite literally shivering in this temperature.

''You can bring Breana if you want.'' Matt calls to me as we make our way into the house. I kick the door shut behind us after making sure that Matt locked it whilst we were out there.

''You're only saying that coz' you fancy her.'' I joke with a smirk as I follow him into the kitchen with the two bags hanging from each of my hands.

''I don't, I'm just asking because you'll be the only girl 'n you might want to have someone els-'' He stops himself from rambling with a tut followed by a sigh. ''Do you know what? Forget it.''

''Love is in the air!'' I sing through giggles when I drop the bags down onto the counter.

''Fuck off.'' He shakes his head and I struggle to conceal the beaming smile that graces my lips.

''Matty and Breana..'' I begin. ''Sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I'' I'm not even able to finish my sentence before Matt is whacking me across the head in one swift motion.

''You're so childish!'' He argues as my hand comes up to my now sore head.

''Prick!'' In one quick movement, I'm swinging around to return the whack to the head but instead, he annoyingly ducks my swing and instead takes another dig at me, this time to my leg.

Instead of it causing an ache like it did to my head, this time it stings. ''You fucker!''

I can't even get a second swing in before Matt is bombing it upstairs, cowardly not even giving me the chance to fight back.

''Crisps... Coke... Sweets..'' Breana lists off the snacks that we've been given the task of sorting out whilst Matt is currently stood outside asking adults to go in the corner shop for some vodka.

''Biscuits?'' I add as I try to fix my jumper. It isn't sitting right at all.

I'm wearing tights, a short, black pencil skirt and a black, knitted, oversized jumper. I still have my white pyjama shirt underneath my jumper because it was too cold to take it off earlier on, so it's peaking out of the collar of my jumper but it's fine.

''I'll get them out after we've all had tea.'' Breana thinks about it for a second before shaking her head.

''I'm back!'' Each of our heads perk up at the sound of Matt coming through the door and there's only one thing coming to my mind.

Every time we arrange something like this, the factor of Matt getting vodka or not is the make it or break it. He's the oldest looking out of us all so if any of us are going to be successful in getting served or getting someone to buy for us, it would be him.

''Did you get it?'' Breana asks and my face sinks when he walks in empty handed with a face of full on gloom.

''No.'' He shakes his head with a sigh as he walks into the living room, plonking himself onto the seat.

''That's alri-'' Breana begins but I interrupt.

''You had one job!'' I sigh.

''We got it!'' Shout Jamie and Nick and I practically fucking jump out of my skin when they come parading into the living room, the pair holding one small bottle each.

''Where did you come from?'' Breana asks as they welcome themselves into the living room. Jamie is, for some reason, wearing a pair of sunglasses, even though it's dark outside.

''I bumped into them on the way, they had to hide around the bushes though coz' nobody would serve them.'' Matt tells us whilst Jamie and Nick shuffle to put the two bottle of vodka onto the coffee table.

''Well where's Alex if he's not with you two?'' Breana asks the thing that I've been thinking since Jamie and Nick arrived.

''Dunno.'' Nick shrugs whilst grabbing the remote control from my coffee table.

''Real good help, thanks.'' I nod in sarcastic thanks and he nods back, not even getting my joke.

''Go n' knock on for him to see where he is then.'' Jamie tells me and my stomach drops just at the idea of going to see Alex. Breana sits herself down as though to say that she will most certainly not be knocking for Alex.

Although we've spoken since the night Brian and I had that one argument, I get really nervous around Alex now. I never had that feeling before that specific night and I hate that I feel it now, so all of a sudden. Of course, I've had crushes before. God, I've had an unbelievable amount and Breana hears all about them whenever they do so much as breathe but this feels so different that I can't even tell whether it's a crush or not.

It's like I subconsciously feel that it's completely wrong for me to like him so in place, I tell myself that it's nothing. It's definitely something because every time I even hear about him, I get nervous.

''Why can't you?'' I ask.

''Just go and do it.'' Matt sighs annoyedly. ''Move, you're blocking the TV.'' He peeks around me to watch the TV from where he's sat.

''He's your bestfriend.'' Although his request was very much rudely spoken, I still move from the TV.

''Yeah but football's on!'' He continues. ''He's literally next door, don't be lazy.''

I want to argue back and tell him no but I know that he'll never give up, so I roll my eyes out of annoyance before practically stomping to the front door for my shoes. However, I take Matt's sliders instead. I can't be bothered sitting here for half an hour trying to shove my feet into some trainers that barely even fit anymore.

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