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A Month Later...

July, 2014

Alex Turner

''Hurry up! We've not got all bloody day.'' Colin shouts from outside of the hotel lobby. The simple sound of his low voice is already enough to add to the annoyance I hold against him for having us all wake up earlier than usual because of his shit planning.

''Alright, keep your fucking hair on.'' Jamie tuts with a frown just as I'm putting my cigarette out onto ashtray on the random coffee table that sits in the centre of the lobby. I'm having to quicken my pace when all of the boys head off in front, each of them dragging their luggage with them. The luggage should've been packed up half an hour ago, but thanks to Colin, it hasn't and we're running late.

Tonight is our last show of the UK tour before we go on a small break to prepare for our USA tour. Don't get me wrong, I adore performing and traveling but these last few shows have hit hard. We're all tired, and as much as I love touring, I'm definitely ready for this break.

However, tonight being our last show means that the levels of stress have tripled. We're all getting tired and snappy with Colin, and if Colin is good at anything, it's making our lives harder if we make his harder.

I drop the full cigarette into the ashtray before picking my luggage up to follow the boys into the van.

As we'd all predicted this morning through a bet, Colin spends the journey to our final hotel nagging our ears off about how we've made him late by stalling things. It's a classic thing for Colin to do, blaming anyone else for his mistakes. I don't have the energy to argue so I keep myself to myself for the majority of the journey.

''What's up with you?'' Nick's voice has me looking up from the few emails I'm reading on my phone.

''Nothing, just shattered.'' I tell him truthfully as I slide my phone into my pocket. All of my emails are a load of shit.

''Need to have a kip when you get back, it'll be a long night tonight, pal.'' Nick sighs before his arms raise up in a yawning stretch.

''Ah, I'll be 'reyt.'' I shrug before readjusting myself to sit up straight.

My posture is fucked.

''Alright, see you soon.'' Matt is speaking on the phone and now that the van is quiet and Colin has actually shut his mouth, his conversation draws my attention.

''Who was that?'' Jamie nods his head up to Matt. I'm starting to feel cramped with Nick and Matt sat on either side of me and Jamie and Colin sat in front of us. I hate these types of vans.

''It was 'r Brielle.'' Matt tells us with a smile of impending excitement and my heart drops because I know exactly what he's about to tell us.

''What was she saying?'' Jamie perks up at the mention of Brielle and whilst the group all listen in to what Matt's about to say, I distract myself with the view of passing cars as we come to the slip road that'll take us to our destination.

''She said that Miles is bringing her down for the gig tonight.'' Matt confirms exactly what I was thinking and although I want to feel excited at the news, all I can feel is fucking guilt.

I haven't been able to bring myself to speak to Brielle since that night at the hotel in Manchester. I can't explain what came over my head the morning we woke up in the hotel, but all I know is that it's for the good of her.

I haven't had time to message her or ring her. On top of being exhausted all of the time, I've been bouncing between venues and doing interviews left right and center. I'm not in the best of moods and with that, I don't want to pour that onto Brielle having just met her again. It would be cruel.

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