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Alex Turner

''Alex, you've gotta' go.'' are the first words I'm hearing coming from her mouth as my stiff back stretches in it's place. 

I soon remember exactly where I am and how I got here before my head dips into the couch from where it had just laid on Brielle's lap- who is now shuffling from beneath me frantically.

''What?'' I haven't even managed to process the words that had woken me from the first deep sleep I've gotten in months.

''Come on, you need to go.'' She tells me before standing up, turning around to face me. 

''Alright.'' Again, I don't process what she's saying but I comply before groggily sitting up, my eyes squinting at the sun that seeps through the window- a contrast to the rain that pounded angrily against the glazed windows last night. 

She says nothing as she fixes the cushions behind me in a hurry, soon moving on to frantically picking up the cushions and single blanket that has managed to fall off the couch during the night. 

''Have you got to be somewhere?'' I ask with caution. She seems stressed. 

''No.'' She shakes her head, completely avoiding my gaze. 

''Is someone coming over?'' I ask another question, noticing that she's still avoiding my gaze. 

''No.'' She finally finishes her frantic cleaning. Her hands are no longer distracted and she's forced to finally reach my gaze. ''Hurry, please.'' 

''Why?'' Again, I ask a question. 

She stops for a second to look at me. 

''You shouldn't be here.'' She says simply and confusion strikes me. 

''Why?'' She seems to be growing bored of the repetitive questions, but finally, she gives me a useful answer. 

''You have a girlfriend at home, you need to go.'' She responds as though it's common sense, and it's then when I understand why she's so on edge. 

''I told you, you don't have to worry about her, Bri.'' I sigh as I stay seated on the couch that her and I spent so many nights on all those months ago. 

''I am worrying about her. You won't even tell me why I 'shouldn't worry about her','' She quotes before continuing. ''I can't trust just that, Alex. Please just go.'' She almost pleads. 

''Brielle, you know I can't tell you about it.'' 

''You can, Alex.''

''I wish I could.'' I shake my head before standing up, readying myself to leave, as much as I want to stay here for longer. 

''Then do!'' She begs and it has me tilting my head back with a sigh. 

''I can't!'' I groan as she stands in front of me. 

''Well then I'm not believing it.'' She shakes her head in disbelief- as though my explanation isn't valid enough. 

''Brielle, you need to believe me.'' She walks off, so I follow her. 

''No, Alex.'' She tells me and I trail behind her, following her into the small kitchen of hers. 


''Do you realize how stupid you sound?'' She almost laughs. ''Oh yeah, I cheated on you but you should still a hundred percent trust me and believe my word!'' She mocks and I roll my eyes at the impression that was actually surprisingly good. 

''I didn't fu-'' I stop myself from telling her exactly what she's asking for. ''I didn't mean it like that.'' 

Thankfully, she doesn't notice my slip up. She just continues to wash the dishes as her back faces my front. 

''Oh, so you meant it in a 'Oh, I didn't exactly cheat on you, I just got with another woman, but it isn't cheating- so believe me!' way?'' She does another impressively good impression and I almost smile at the way I can see her hair shaking from behind with the way she's moving her head as she speaks. 

''No- I just meant that me cheating has nothing to do with how honest I am.'' I can't even prove her wrong because her point is completely valid. 

''That's the stupidest thing I've heard.'' She huffs out a laugh with a shake of the head.

''Why do you even care so much? She hates you and you hate her, it shouldn't bother you.'' I realize that my words are harsh once they're out, but Brielle doesn't seem to be bothered because she bites back just as hard.

''I don't care if she hates me, I wouldn't wish the pain of someone cheating on you on a single person, Alex. It's fucking horrible and I wouldn't be caught dead being a homewrecker.'' She turns around and I can see the anger in her face. 

My heart sinks at the way that although she despises Megan, she still wouldn't even go as far as intentionally upsetting her- that's just how caring she is and it's that trait of hers that I love and miss so unbelievably much. 

''I don't know what to say to you then.'' I shrug and I lean against the counter. I feel myself shrinking under her vicious gaze as she stands at the sink, facing me. 

''Comical.'' She shakes her head with a huffed laugh of disbelief before grabbing the tea towel from the counter beside her. 

''Alex, I'm giving you a chance to just tell me.'' Her voice is calm in contrast to the volume it was at before. 

''I can't, I'm sorry.'' With all honesty, I think about it for seconds, but I can't do that to her. I go through the consequences in my head. 

''Well-'' She places the towel back down on the counter once her hands are dried. ''You know where I am when you're ready to tell me.'' 

With that, she walks past me. In the process, her shoulder gently grazes mine as a result of the cramped space and just that one touch has my breath slipping from my mouth in the quietest sigh. 

She leaves me alone in her kitchen with the guilt of making her wait this long for the truth. I think about the consequences again and again before I swap to thinking about how I could possibly get her back if I went against those consequences. 

I think about how it would affect those around me. 

I think about how it would affect Brielle. 

I think about how it would affect me. 

But then, I think about how I would get my Brielle back. 

I think about how I would get to walk in public with her again. 

I think about how I would get to tell her everything I've been wanting to tell her since the last time my lips touched hers. 

I think about going against the consequences. 

''Brielle!'' I call out desperately. 



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