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''Wake up, dickhead!'' I'm quite suddenly woken up from my sleep by a familiar voice in my bedroom. With the lack of time I've actually been given to wake up, I barely manage to process that the voice waking me is in fact Matt and between the time he shouted me and me waking up, he's already dragged the curtains open and thrown the covers off of my body. 

Really, there was no use in opening the curtains considering it's 3 o'clock in the morning and the sun is barely up, but Matt has his ways. 

''Piss off.'' I groan with my eyes still shut, snatching the covers back before they can actually leave the bed and fall to the floor. 

''Come on, Helders. We've got a plane to get on.'' Matt hurries around my bed, jumping into the empty space beside me. If his sudden entrance into my room wasn't enough to wake me up, the shake of the mattress after his landing definitely was. 

''I take it back, I don't want to go.'' I sigh as I force my tired eyes open, groaning when I have to immediately shut them again as a result of Matt switching the blindingly bright light on. 

''Come on, we've got twenty minutes until before the coach gets here.'' Matt stands from my bed and heads over to my door, stepping out of the room. 

From then, it doesn't take me long to get ready. With having my outfit out and ready since last night, all I have to do is throw the clothes on and freshen up. 

''Nice sleep, Bri?'' Jamie asks smugly as soon as I'm leaving my bedroom. He stands with a cup of coffee, leaning against my kitchen counter with one foot kicked over the other. Nick peaks out from behind my fridge with a smirk, looking to be in the middle of scavenging the food in my fridge.

They both look suspicious.

''Yeah, you?'' I ask and shut my door behind me, deciding to ignore their suspiciousness and instead join them in the kitchen. 

''Not bad at all.'' Jamie responds before sipping his coffee. Nick finds what he's apparently been looking for, for the past 5 minutes and drags it out of the fridge, taking a sip of the coke. I grimace at the thought of drinking coke right now, but I can't be one to judge. 

Before the fridge door can shut, I hurry to catch it and take Nick's place in scavenging the fridge. I quickly find the orange cordial I'm looking for and take it out, quickly finding a glass to pour it into and dilute with water. 

''Right, are we all ready to go? All the bags are in the coach, the men have just took them down to the car park.'' Miles welcomes himself into the apartment, rubbing his hands together, I'm assuming to warm them up from being outside. He must've come here to see the Breana and the boys before I'd woken up. 

His hands come to a halt when he sees me next to Jamie in the kitchen, almost copying his stance with my foot kicked over the other instead I'm sitting on the worktop. Suddenly, his lips perk up into a cheeky smirk. 

''You're awake! Did you sleep well?'' Miles asks and I'm instantly furrowing my brows at him. Despite the question being something normal, I'm refusing to believe that people are suddenly asking me about my sleep without reasoning. 

Something's going on.

''Right, what's going on? Why do people keep asking how I've slept?'' I look around and as though I've said the worlds funniest thing, the whole room suddenly breaking out into a fit of, what's supposed to be, silent giggles to themselves. Each person tries to conceal their giggles by distracting themselves with a task, except from Alex who also seems to be non the wiser. 

''Just asking how you've slept!'' Miles shrugs whilst struggling to hide whatever he seems to find so amusing. 

''Any other time I'd care about what you're all laughing at but I don't think I have enough energy so I'll leave you all to it.'' I sigh and jump down from the counter, dumping my now empty glass into the sink. 

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