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''I want the wedding to be in Italy, and baby Bonnie can be my flower girl!'' I exclaim with a smile of pure excitement. My hands come down to rest upon Alex's clothed chest whilst his hands come down to splay across each side of my hip. My legs wrap around his centre as he lays beneath me on the couch of his living with his back propped up against the back cushion, his face displaying a smile that could only be described as one of content daze.

We've been engaged for thirty minutes and I'm already telling Alex about the wedding I've had planned in my head for years.

''We'll go to Italy then.'' He confirms with a smiley nod and I hum in content.

''And we'll go in one of those really old fashioned white cars and and the venue will be decorated with all kinds of flowers- different colours and everything! I don't want a bland wedding, we should ban any bland colours for the day, except from white, of course...'' I pause to catch a quick breath. ''Bowie can be the ring bearer and Kelly and Jamie's baby can be another flower girl or ring bearer!'' In the midst of my planning, Alex's hand reaches up to graze against my cheek. In attempt to copy, my hand comes up to hold his over my cheek whilst I continue to talk. ''We'll have to make a wedding playlist! We're a hundred percent having 'You Can't Hurry Love' and 'Be My Baby', I've wanted those songs played at my wedding since I was a teenager. And for entertainment, we can have you and the boys perfor-''

''Brielle!'' He laughs out as an interruption and I tilt my head downwards to look at him. ''We've got plenty of time to plan.''

''I know...'' I sigh with a smile. ''I'm really fucking excited.''

''Starting to think you care more about the wedding than about actually marrying me.'' He jokes as he readjusts himself to be comfortable, moving me slightly in the process.

''Obviously.'' I respond with a shake of the head and in jokeful sarcasm , his jaw drops. In retaliation, the hand that rests upon my cheek is now being used to pull my face down to his, where he smacks his lips against mine in a jokey punishment. Our teeth collide in the kiss, thanks to our shit-eating grins that force our mouths to open.

''Yeah, I might just..'' I mumble into the kiss. ''I might just actually have the wedding and pretend marry you.''  I giggle when a sigh leaves his mouth. ''Or I might-''

''Shutup, you fool.'' He shuts me up by, again, pressing his lips into mine- only this time the kiss is full of urgency and desperation as the fingers of his hand dig into my hip with cause to pull me closer, whilst his fingers on my cheek move to work the skin of my face.

From there. Alex's pace is fast moving. Our kiss soon becomes a quick series of short pecks and breathless gasps. I find myself sighing into the kiss once my body is relaxing.

Like myself, Alex relaxes into the kiss and slowly, he sinks into the sofa, bringing me lower into the couch with him.

For the first time in the past few minutes, Alex's hand lets go of my face. I find that my skin feels cold in the absence of his hand but a new type of heat is catering for his absence when I feel his hand graze against the bare, sensitive skin of my collarbone before it reaches my cotton cardigan and in one swift motion, pushing one of the sleeves down so that it slips from my shoulder. He repeats the exact same process on the other side and in his aid, I help him in removing the cardigan.

His hands waste no time in blindly searching for the zip of my dress and in that time, my hands work to hurriedly undo the buttons of his white suit shirt. The whole movement is a big attempt to get the other persons clothes off.

Alex is breaking apart from my mouth with a quiet moan when my hands are finding a home just beneath his sculpted abs. I smirk at the affect I have on him from just touching him on the stomach and Alex senses my humour in the moment and in retaliation, he shakes his head with a disapproving smirk.

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