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''Alex?'' I ask as soon as he's picking up the phone. 

This is something we've been doing for the past two days, ever since he had to leave straight after we'd made up. We've been having these senseless conversations at night. 

''Brielle?'' He answers in repetition of my questioning tone and I can picture the grin that lifts his lips. 

''Did you forget that I studied law when I went to university?'' I ask out of curiosity. Although this new information is so fucking hard to process, I have tried to process it as much as I can and I've definitely pinpointed a few things that are a hundred percent illegal. 

''Come to think of it.. I did forget.'' He responds through the speaker and I plonk myself down onto my couch, kicking my feet up as I do so. 

''Hm.'' I hum in acknowledgement before pressing the phone onto the speaker and putting it down onto the cushion next to me. The next thing I do is grab my laptop and place it onto my stomach as I lay against the pillows of my couch. 

''Why do you ask?'' He questions whilst I scroll through my old documents of my studies, scanning for something in particular. 

''Do you realize that Colin has a hundred percent broken the law?'' I silently chant in success when I finally find the section of studies that I've been searching for. 

''Are you being serious?'' His line is silent for a second until he speaks. 

''No, I'm lying because it's hilarious.'' I smirk with sarcasm.

Obviously, he's used to it and doesn't even call me out on it. 

''How's he broken the law?'' 

''I believe Breach of Contract and on Megan's behalf, possibly coercive control but that really depends on what she did so we'd have to look into that more.'' I finally find the notes I've been searching for, realizing that I'm right in what I'm saying about Breach of Contract. 

''How's it breach of contract?'' He asks.

''When you and the boys signed those papers, you specifically asked for your personal life to be kept separate from the media- that includes children, girlfriends, houses and everything else you'd want to keep private. Colin signed those papers having read that specific request and he's knowingly gone against that agreement by sabotaging a relationship and putting a fake one right into the spotlight, which is in fact, a Breach of Contract. And on top of that, I left before I got to study this topic but I'm also pretty sure he can get done for blackmail for threatening my job too.'' I take a deep breath after the massive explanation that just mentally took me back to my university days. 

''How did you know about that contract?''

''I was in university when you'd been signed to Colin so Matt asked me to look through the contract to see if it seemed stable and it did.'' I shrug before shutting my laptop closed. 

''Fucking hell.'' He sighs. ''So we can take him to court for it?'' 

''Yep.'' I nod. ''And if you'd have told me earlier we could've sorted it out quicker.'' 

''I don't even know what to say.'' 

''Maybe 'Let's sue that cunt'?'' I smile before grabbing the phone and turning it off from speaker, placing it back next to my ear. 

''Wouldn't that mean Luke would press charges?'' 

''Yeah and you'd pay them off like you usually would.'' I respond. 

''It isn't just that, Bri.'' He sighs and I instantly frown. 

''What do you mean?'' Confusion strikes me. 

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