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''Brielle?'' Three bangs, one after another, echo through my cold apartment. 

I ignore the three bangs at first, but I soon snap back into reality when I recognize the voice as Katie's. 

''Brielle! It's Katie, are you in?'' The soft, scouse accent is followed by another three bangs against my wooden door, dragging me from the bed that I haven't left for three days. 

I can't even find the energy to shout, so I force myself to stand upon my tired, weak legs. As soon as I'm stood, a strong ache rises to my heavy head and I feel the puffiness of my face travel to my red eyes, the pressure finding home in my eyelids. 

I give everything in me to brave it and open my door, but guilt consumes me as soon as the door is opening to reveal a very stressed out Katie. 

''Oh my god.'' She sighs in relief before she's instantly jumping forward, wrapping her strong arms around me in a hug that I've desperately been needing for so long. ''I'm so, so, so sorry.. I've heard about everything. I can't believe he'd do that, Babe.'' 

I sink into her warm hug but my heart beats that extra bit at the mention of that certain information that I've been trying to forget about for the past three days. 

''Are you okay? We've all been worried sick.'' Katie pulls back and I silently welcome her into my apartment, shutting the door behind her.

''I'm okay, I'm sorry for leaving Miles' house. I should've warned you all, I didn't mean for you to worry.'' I apologize honestly. I especially didn't want Katie to worry. 

I would've given the two of them a text to let them know I've been alright but I'm terrified to even look at my phone. In all honesty, I should even try and get into contact. Although I'm almost certain the rumours are true, Alex and I both deserve the closure I'm sure both of us are seeking but I'm most definitely not ready for that just yet, as much as I want to know why he did what he supposedly did. 

''Don't you dare apologize.'' She shakes my apology off and I lead her into my living room. ''What you did is justifiable, I understand why you did it and I'm sure Miles will too.''

Although I literally have no more tears left to cry, I feel like crying at Katie's caring nature. 

When it goes silent, I manage to speak up.

''Have you spoken to any of the boys?'' I ask with my legs crossed upon the couch. My hair is a hundred percent greasy and these pyjamas are two days old but Katie doesn't even look twice at how I look. 

''I have.'' She nods whilst she gets herself comfortable.

''What have they said?'' I ask semi-curiously. Honestly, I'm scared to find out what has been said but on the other hand, I want to know everything. 

''They're mad.'' Katie explains truthfully and I tilt my head out of confusion. 

''At Alex?'' I ask out of pure curiosity. 

She nods before she goes to say something, but she stays silent as she stutters on how to word her next sentence. ''Brielle.. I..'' She thinks about how to explain. ''This really isn't something I want to be the one to tell you about, but...'' She sighs defeatedly and I already know what is about to leave her mouth, which is why my head is dropping down to my chest. 

''Alex admitted to being with Megan in LA.'' The words are enough to have silent, hot tears toppling out of the swollen eyes that I could have swore didn't have the ability to leak any more. 

Of course, I'd already known, but hearing it loud and clear just made it so much worse. 

''Jamie didn't say much, but Matt definitely had a few words with Alex. They're all really mad at him, and I even think mad is an understatement.'' She explains, but goes on to continue. ''I hate to be the one to tell you it, but you deserve to know, Bri.. I do have a message to pass on, though.'' 

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