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''Where did that green bauble just go? I just had it in my hand..'' Breana mumbles in question, spinning around to search for the lost bauble as she stands with golden tinsel slung around her neck like a boa. 

''It's behind you.'' I let her know, a smile gracing her red-painted lips in thanks when she realizes that it was in fact behind her.

''Remind me not to come back from America two days before Christmas.'' Breana groans, standing on her tiptoes to loop a green tree branch through the bauble she holds in her hands. 

''Will do.'' I smirk whilst I stand at the other side of my living room, trying to untangle wires of Christmas fairy lights from each other. 

Today is Christmas Eve, and I've stupidly agreed to be the host for Christmas, meaning my tiny apartment is going to have to hold Miles, Jamie, Nick, Matt, Breana, Alex, my Mum and Alex's parents too. 

This is the first time Alex's Mum and Dad will ever see my apartment and I can't ignore the pounding pressure I feel to have it looking as nice as it can. Because I've grown up with Penny and David all my life, they've kind of been like the aunty and uncle that Matt and I have never had. 

Thankfully, because my apartment is way too small to hold everyone, the group has agreed that once we've all opened presents and had dinner, we'll all go over to Miles' house to sleep, since his is way bigger than mine. When I see bigger, I mean a fucking mansion. Usually, if we were in Sheffield, we'd all be in walking distance to each others houses and wouldn't need to worry about not drinking so we can drive. 

''How do you manage to cook a bloody roast dinner?'' Breana asks as the smell of turkey finally reaches the living room, the dreamy scent changing my mind into thinking that all the hard work preparing this morning was definitely worth it. 

''My Nan taught me how to when I was younger.'' I smile at the small memory, continuing to pick my fingers at the tangled wires. 

''You'll have to teach me in the New Year. I need a special quality like that, I'm boring.'' Breana smirks at herself as she shuffles through the cardboard box full of baubles. 

I roll my eyes at her subtle self-doubting, knowing full well that she has tons of special qualities. The room goes silent before Breana sparks a conversation in her absolute favourite topic of the current times.

Alex and I. 

''So...'' I already know what she's about to ask judging by the 'laid back' tone in her light voice. 

''So..'' I deadpan sarcastically, confirming to her that I already know what she's about to ask.

''How are you and Alex?'' She asks, innocently avoiding my contact. 

''We're good.'' I answer shortly just to annoy her, a concealed smile etching itself onto my currently blushing face. 

''For god sake Brielle.'' She groans in annoyance, tilting her head back as she blindly pushes a bauble up the branch of the tree. 

''What?'' I chuckle, finally managing to free the knot in the tangled fairy lights. 

''Has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?'' She cuts to the shit, swinging her head to face me in question. 

Again, I roll my eyes. ''No, I'm not in any rush to be his girlfriend. It might not even happen.'' I shrug it off, not ignoring the way my cheeks heat up again. 

''Yes you are, I can tell.'' She turns away again to continue decorating the tree as I stand up and walk to the tree with my fairy lights dangling from my arms. 

''And how can you tell?'' I frown with a sarcastic tone to my voice as I hop onto my tip toes, reaching out to get the beginning of the fairy lights to the top of the tree. 

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