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June, 2014

''Two pints of Guinness please, Love.'' A familiar voice comes from one of my regulars, who currently leans up against the wooden tabletop of the bar. I nod with a smile in return before hastily grabbing two glasses from the stack below the bar. Within seconds, I'm holding the glasses to the Guinness draft one after another and filling them. I pass the two drinks to Carl, who is my regular customer, exchanging the two drinks for their cost. It's rare he isn't in our pub on Tuesdays and Saturdays or whenever Liverpool are playing and he's one of my favourites to serve.

''Cheers, Helders.'' He raises his drink in thanks.

''You're welcome, Carl.'' I smile before glancing up at the small clock that sits, unscrewed into the wall, just above the shelves of different sized glasses on the wall.

I sigh at the fact that I've still got one hour left as I wipe my hands upon my apron to rid them of the watery condensation that they've just gotten off of the glass I handed to Carl. It's Saturday today and whilst Saturdays are as busy as it is, today, Liverpool are playing against Chelsea.

It's moments like these where I'd wished I'd have just stayed in University. If I'd have stayed in University, I would've been perhaps sat in this pub myself, but as the customer instead.

It only took a year for me to decide that Law wasn't my thing at all, which is why I left University. It was completely overwhelming and if I'm being quite honest, I was struggling for money. My Dad doesn't help me financially so from eighteen, I've been on my own for money. I couldn't work many hours when I was at University and I was struggling to pay for accommodation alone, never mind food.

''I can't be arsed today.'' Daniel sighs as he walks himself into the bar, hanging his apron over his neck before tying it around his waist. I sigh out of relief at the fact that I have someone to talk to now.

''Thank god you're here.'' I huff as I tuck a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. It's fucking boiling outside, hence why my hair is up in a ponytail for once. I look horrid but I'd rather feel cool than look good and feel sweaty.

''Well she who shall not be named is on another fucking holiday so I've had to fill in.'' Daniel tells me and I huff out a smile at the mention of who he's talking about.

Daniel is my favourite employee. I don't get on with anyone else in this pub, aside from the customers. However, there's a certain lady who I specifically don't like. She constantly rings in sick with pathetic excuses like 'It's too windy and I'm scared to drive in the weather' or my personal favourite, 'My dog hid my house keys whilst I was asleep so I can't leave.'.

She can't drive, nor does she have her own house.

''She's bloody pathetic.'' He shakes his head but he's soon perking up when he sees a new customer approach the bar. I busy myself with wiping down the sticky surface of the back of the bar.

''Tell me about it.'' I huff out a laugh.

''Hiya.'' Daniel greets the customer at the front of the bar whilst I stand with my back turned as I try to get at a rough patch of the wood. Someone must've spilled some clumpy orange juice or something last shift.

''Hi, can I get a Corona please?'' The voice asks and my scrubbing comes to a slow still at the sound of the voice.

It sounds weirdly familiar and I realize that it's definitely someone from Sheffield, just by their accent.

''Yeah, of course.'' Daniel is responding before returning over to me, leaning down to grab a Corona from the fridge beneath the table top.

''I don't want to spook you.. but there's a fucking celebrity in our pub.'' Daniel says under his breath and my eyebrows are coming together out of confusion. Out of pure curiosity, I'm glancing behind me to see someone that I most definitely was not expecting to see.

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