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It takes me a good few seconds to come around from perhaps one of the best sleeps I've had in a while when I'm hearing someone rooting around the room. I almost snap at them for disrupting the amazing sleep, however, when my eyes are focusing on Alex, I'm remembering where I am. I sit myself up on my arm to glance at Alex.

''You awake?'' Alex is asking as he stands in front of the large window, zipping his suitcase up. My eyes squint when the sun is shining right into them.

''No.'' I groan at the sting in my eyes- the very sting that has me plonking my head right back down onto the pillow.

I think I'm the comfiest I've ever been.

''We've got to check out in twenty minutes.'' Alex thinks that just moments after me coming out of the greatest sleep of my life is a good time to tell me that I've got twenty minutes to be up and ready, and that alone has me wanting to tell him to fuck off.

''Please don't say that.'' I sigh into the pillow before moving myself onto my side. The new position is even comfier than the last and I feel like crying at the thought of having to force myself to get up.

''Nineteen minutes.'' He reminds me and a sigh of annoyance leaves my mouth. However, that sigh is soon turning into a gasp when I'm feeling the sheets being ripped from above me, a cool gush nipping my arms as soon as the warm cover is being pulled away.

''You fucker!'' I frown before quickly sitting up, my hands chasing the long-gone sheet as Alex pools it at the bottom of the bed.

''You'll be moaning at me for rushing you in ten minutes because you're not ready.'' Alex truthfully reasons with me and like the truth hurts, it only installs a new annoyance in me.

''Fuck sake.'' I huff out under my breath as I scoot myself off of the tall bed. As soon as I'm standing, I'm craving to jump back into the bed, but I know Alex will have something to say about that so instead, I'm coercing myself into heading towards the bathroom.

''Hurry!'' Alex is calling out through the room when I'm taking my toothbrush from my toiletry bag.

''I'll take longer if you rush me!'' I retort with a roll of the eye. However, I'm glancing back at myself in the mirror with a frown at the feeling of what could only be described as female rage.

It only means one thing.

''Fuck.'' I'm mumbling as my toothbrush hangs from my mouth as I glance around the bathroom for a quick solution. Quickly, I look down to see if I'm safe and a huff of fucking relief is leaving my mouth when I'm deeming myself safe. ''Alex!'' I'm shouting out before quickly returning to harshly brushing my teeth to get it done quicker. I know this is my luck, I even looked at my pads last night when I was packing. I thought I wasn't due for another few days, but of course, Miss Flo doesn't wait for anyone.


''Can you bring me my phone, please?'' I ask through the added burden of my toothbrush and with no response, all I hear is Alex walking through the room.

I open the door once Alex has made it to the bathroom and with a thankyou, I take my phone from him.

''We don't have time for this.'' Alex tells me and although it comes off as a gentle reminder, the sentence has rage burying itself deep inside of me. However, for the good of Alex and myself, I take a small breath and smile.

''I know.'' I nod. ''Just give me a few moments.'' I tell him and with a frown of, I'm sure, confusement, he nods and leaves me be.

I finish up in the bathroom before I ring Breana to ask if she has any products, and because she's a fucking living angel, she agrees to bring me some up before we're due to check out.

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