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''You're sure you'll be alright?'' Alex scans my face seriously, his lips turned into his mouth in questioning. 

''I'll be fine, honestly.'' I lie discreetly. There's a sick feeling at the bottom of my stomach at the thought of Alex leaving. I don't usually feel this wary of him leaving, considering he's gone quite a lot of the time, but something about this time is different.

I have a tiny bit of a bad feeling. 

''Are you absolutely sure?'' He asks once again for the third time since we've been stood here at the entrance of the airport. We've been stood here for five minutes whilst the other boys say Goodbye to their girlfriends, including an oblivious Jamie who still stands unaware of Katie's secret pregnancy. 


''I'm absolutely sure.'' I conceal a lie yet again with a convincing smile before standing up onto my tip toes to place a short but sweet kiss against his lips. With his hands full of suitcases and bags, he can't pull me closer so instead leans down to accompany my height. 

''Come on lads, I want to get through security quick and have spare time before the flights.'' Colin interrupts literally everyone, resulting in us all rolling our eyes at the interruption. 

''You're lucky we're here, you can fuck off about rushing us.'' Matt groans as he bends, in no hurry, to pick up his and Breana's suitcases. Breana decided she was in need of a holiday, and so did Kelly, leaving Miles, Katie and I all in England. 

''Attitude.'' Colin deadpans whilst he carelessly throws the last of his burnt out cigarette on the floor. 

Dirty man. 

''Attitude.'' Matt mocks under his voice whilst he grabs Breana's suitcases out of her hand, earning a flushed smile and a kiss to the cheek from Breana. 

''Ring me. And please to the love of god, keep an eye on your phone. I can't cope with you losing it again.'' I joke but a tone of seriousness stays evident in my voice. 

''I won't, I promise.'' He smiles jokingly, again leaning down to press a kiss to the temple of my head before nudging my head with his nose so that I'm facing him for him to place a kiss onto my lips. Butterflies swarm my stomach at the action and my face tints red. Even after months of being with Alex, I still get just as excited as I did the first time he kissed me. 

We go silent whilst the boys scurry around us, each of them dragging their suitcases as the girls follow behind them, blowing Goodbye kisses to Katie and I. 

''I'll see you soon, yeah? It'll only be a few days, I think.'' Alex's tone is hushed whilst he looks down at me, a longing look strung upon his pale skin. 

I nod with a fake, subtle smile. Thankfully, the smile is convincing enough for him to smile back, and although my stomach is bubbling with negative nerves, his tiny smile holds the power to put all of those feelings temporarily to rest. 

''I'll see you soon.'' I almost whisper out and I know I've ruined the deal with the accidental sad croak in my voice when Alex's smile drops and his eyes fill with guilt. My stomach drops when he goes to say something, but another voice speaks for him. 

''Come on, Son. The boys are waiting.'' A wrinkled hand is reaching up to wrap around Alex's shoulder and Alex is looking down at the short, elderly man. 

''Just a second, Colin.'' Alex is sighing in annoyance whilst shrugging the hand from his shoulder, but Colin doesn't budge.

''I don't think we have a second, they're getting impatient.'' Colin nods to the side and I follow the direction, watching as the boys restlessly tap their feet against the concrete path in boredom whilst tilting their hands to check their watches. 

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