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''Shit.'' Are the first words that leave my open mouth at the sight of the literal newspaper articles in front of me. It isn't even just online now, it's on black and white paper. 

I am completely and utterly fucked. 

I stare down at the headline of the newspaper that Alex has just placed down onto the coffee table of my living room with wide eyes, this being the first I've heard of these pregnancy rumours. 

''What are we going to do?'' Alex asks before sitting next to me, running his hands over his face out of stress.

''I..'' I begin to think of a solution but I can't. ''I don't know.'' I say in defeat, sitting up from my slouched position against the couch. I was quite happily relaxing with my legs up on the couch with one of my books until Alex came barging into my apartment, making me think someone was breaking in. 

We sit in silence as the two of us stare at the headline. It's as though each of us are watching and praying that somehow, if we watch it for any longer, the words will magically change. 

''This is what I was scared of happening.'' Alex admits quietly with an irritated sigh, his head shaking in his hands. 

I recall the long argument Alex and I had over him distancing himself just because of the fear he had of the media targeting me. He'd always said how he would never want to put me in the spotlight, and although I didn't believe that I would be the type to be put into the spotlight, Alex was right. Not that I'm unhappy, I'd do it all a million times again if it meant I could see Alex, but I can't say it's definitely not a pain to constantly have cameras behind me. 

The first time, it was okay. I was with Alex, he was talking me through the situation and that calmed me down. The past few times, I haven't been with Alex and I haven't even noticed the cameras which scares me. 

''I know.'' I agree with a muted nod, my hand reaching forward to grab the paper. 

My eyes scan the words back and forth as though my eyes are learning them but my brain is forgetting them just as quick. 

''I don't know what to do.'' Alex sighs and finally removes his hands from his face, his tired and manic eyes coming to meet mine. My face falls at the sight of his distress and I almost feel guilty for being the one to talk him into being with me even if it meant flashy headlines. 

''It's okay, we can sort it out.'' I reassure him and drop the useless paper back onto the table, in turn wrapping my arms around Alex. It doesn't take seconds for him to sink into me, his arms wrapping around me before he's sighing into my shoulder. 

''It isn't okay, Brielle. You're gonna' get hounded over this.'' He shakes his head into me and my hands come up to rest in his gelled hair. 

''I'd rather the headlines be about me than Katie.'' I admit and I feel Alex still upon me. 

He removes himself from me with a frown between his crossed brows. 

''What?'' He asks.

''Not in that way.'' I reassure Alex that I'm not referring to it in the selfish, attention-seeking way he's thinking I am. ''I mean, I'd rather have the headlines fussing over a fake pregnancy concerning me than fussing over Katie's real pregnancy and ruining it for her before she's told anyone.''

Alex listens closely whilst I explain and he's soon nodding his head in clear understanding. Before he can respond with anything, his phone is ringing from his pocket. He apologizes for having to take the phone call too which I shake off before distractedly listening to the call that he puts on speaker. 

''Alex.'' I already recognize the old, miserable voice coming through the speaker as Colin's. 

''Colin.'' Alex rolls his eyes before speaking back in the same tone. 

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