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''Did you enjoy it then?'' Miles asks as we both walk down the slim hallways of the arena. After finishing their show, the boys hurried off stage and went straight into their room, except from Miles.

''Yes, they all did amazing.'' I nod with a smile unscrewing the cap of my fresh bottle of water.

I'm glad Miles is here to lead me to the room, these hallways are extremely confusing and I'd one hundred percent get lost if I was on my own.

''They all did amazing? What about me, ey?'' Miles nudges his elbow into my waist teasingly.

''You did amazing too.'' I smirk with a roll of my eyes, trying to dodge his nudge. 

It doesn't take long before we're stopping in front of the door to the boys room.

''Right, I'm just going to go and sort a few things out and I'll be back. Doors unlocked so just go straight in.'' Miles tells me as he continues to walk past the door, leaving me on my own. I just nod with a quick 'alright' before opening the door. 

The first person I see is Alex sitting on the couch, a guitar in his hand as he strums random tunes through the instrument. He doesn't seem to notice my entrance. I look around and see nobody else, meaning they all must be showering. 

''Hi.'' I announce my entrance and Alex looks up from the guitar and smiles, nodding his head as a greeting. 

Despite the long time we've spent apart, I still feel that same distanced atmosphere that he created the night we had to share a hotel room together. I don't know exactly what it is, but I hate it. 

Deciding to just look past it, I let out an unnoticeable sigh before stepping further into the room and taking a seat next to Alex. He pays no attention to me whatsoever, continuing to play different snippets of songs on the guitar. 

''Alex?'' I find the nerves to speak through the prolonged silence. 

''Hm?'' All I get in return is a small hum, barely loud enough for me to hear over the tune of the guitar. 

''Did I do something wrong?'' I ask, lifting my head to look at him next to me. 

His fingers come to a stop on the strings as he looks up and straight ahead, avoiding my eye contact at all costs.

I would genuinely hate to think I've done something to hurt him.

''No, Brielle.. you didn't..'' He shakes his head, an unfamiliar tone coating his quiet voice as his expression turns soft. 

''Then what's the matter? You've been off with me since Liverpool.'' I ask warily. I don't want to push him.

''It's.. it's nothing.'' For a second, he looked like he was going to tell me what was really going on inside that mind of his, but instead he chooses to cover it up. 

''Are you sure?'' 

''I don't want to hurt you.'' He blurts out and I almost laugh at what he's said. Hurt me? 

''What?'' I furrow my brows out of confusion as he finally turns to face me. He's in a slouched position, his legs spread out as his guitar sits on top of them. His fingers fiddle gently with the tough strings. 

''I don't want to hurt you Brielle.'' 

''How would you hurt me?'' 

''The media, all of it. I can see where this is going.'' He points between us. This?  ''I know it doesn't seem all too much, but if you were to be involved with me, it would be hard. It's dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt.'' 

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 || 𝘈.𝘛Where stories live. Discover now