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''Are you sure I look okay?'' Brielle asks for the fifth time tonight, running her fingers across the fabric of the red skirt she's currently wearing, the colour greatly complimenting the white shirt she wore along with it. On top of the outfit, she's wearing a button-up shirt of mine as a jacket. 

''Yes, I'm sure you look okay

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''Yes, I'm sure you look okay. You look beautiful.'' I add onto the end, not missing the way her cheeks tint at my compliment as she looks at me in the reflection of the mirror that she's been stood at for the past twenty minutes. 

As much as I love staring at her, her continuous self-doubting has made us twenty minutes late to the arrangements I've made for us, which means I no longer have the time to sit around and stare.

''Ooh, beautiful?'' She raises her eyebrows sarcastically, finally pulling herself away from the mirror before beginning to walk to me. 

My stomach knots in anticipation as she approaches me with a knowing smile, her delicate hands reaching out to take my hands. 

''Yes.'' I nod with a pursed smile as I look down at her. She cranes her neck slightly to gaze up at me, a beaming smile on her face as she unknowingly fidgets with a certain ring on one of my fingers.

''That's bold of you.'' Brielle says as though she's impressed and my hands finally find their mobility again, flipping my hands onto hers before dragging her hands to my neck, hooking her arms to rest over my neck. 

''Bold?'' I senselessly reply. I have no idea what words are coming out of my mouth, or what our conversation is about for that matter. All I know is that I don't want it to end. 

''Mhm.'' She nods and before I can question her again, she's pushing up onto her tip toes to reach her lips into mine in a gentle kiss- something that's become the usual for Brielle and I. 

After we got caught on that field and the adrenaline-filled energy had drifted between us, it was evident that we were going to have to talk about what had happened, so we did. It started with me apologizing, of course, to which Brielle ushered me to continue. The two of us discussed why we were so angry with the other, all whilst ignoring the number one problem- our feelings. In fact, it was what I actually wanted our chat to be about. I wanted to clear everything between us; what we felt, what we needed to do about it, everything. But I didn't, I couldn't. 

Sitting there with Brielle, it seemed like it was some sort of massive unspoken rule that we didn't dig into that subject, as much as I wanted to. I want to know what my limits are with Brielle, I don't want to be scared of crossing any lines that haven't been spoken of, but she won't let me know those limits, which is why I'm taking whatever I can get from her at the moment. 

I know Brielle and I know that when she starts realizing how she feels, she's going to back away, and I need to try my best to prevent that. I'm not going to push things onto her, I'm going to let her be the first to initiate anything between us. As desperate as I am to push things forward, I'm afraid that if I do that, she's going to suddenly realize what's happening and she'll back away.

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 || 𝘈.𝘛Where stories live. Discover now