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My ears are ringing.

I've heard time and time again that it's vital to wear ear-plugs if you're a person who attends concerts regularly, and every time, I magically forget to abide by that recommendation. In turn, I'm greeted with the harsh consequence of having ringing ears after every concert I go to.

To be completely fair to myself, I blame it on the fact that I was stood just a few feet away from the floor speakers. My ears are pretty much fuzzy now, but it's all worth it for the quality of sound I heard tonight.

I may be bias, but those boys just put on the best show I've ever seen in my life. I've been to countless gigs, but I've never been left so stunned after a concert.

I'd call it the after show blues. I get them all the time, but right now, I've been taken back to my major fangirl years where I feel like crying when a show I've been waiting for, for months has finished.

Only now- I'm the girl my old fangirl self used to wish to be. I'm literally walking around backstage to find the boys- who hurried off the opposite side of the stage once they'd played their encore. I can still hear the crowd, who I'm sure are just as amazed as I am, as I walk further and further into the hallways. I'm having to stand to the side for a few seconds to let some of the stage crew past, considering they're carrying massive boxes with them.

Seventeen year old me would be starstruck.

Finally, I'm making my way back to the dressing room, where I'm assuming the boys have made their way to. Within seconds, I'm knocking on the door before waiting for a queue to come in. When I'm receiving that queue, I'm pushing open the door.

''There she is!'' Jamie is standing up from where he's kneeled down to the small fridge to grab a bottle of water.

''You guys were amazing!'' I burst out the compliment quickly as I walk myself into the room, shutting the door behind myself.

''I should hope so.'' Nick sighs as he plonks himself down onto the leather sofa. I find myself grimacing at the layer of sweat that trickles down his forehead and it's then that I notice that all of the boys are dripping with sweat, except from Alex, who is nowhere to be seen.

''Where's Alex?'' I'm asking almost too enthusiastically.

I forgot that I'm supposed to hate him.

''He's in the shower.'' Matt nods off into the direction of a brown door on the other side of the room.

''I'm gonna' get in the shower.'' Nick adds before pushing himself off of the table that he had been leaning against before wandering over towards the, I'm assuming, communal bathrooms.

''Me too.'' Matt perks up with a nod and like it's some sort of unspoken agreement, Jamie also nods along.

''Do you want a hug before I go, Bri?'' Obviously sensing my, I'm assuming, evident feeling of disgust, Jamie is opening up his arms and approaching me with a knowing grin lifting his lips.

''Please, no.'' I shake my head with a groan before holding my hands out once he's at a reachable distance to me. I'm quite close to gagging at the feeling of dripping sweat that is making contact with my hand when I'm pushing him away and in consequence, my face is scrunching up in pure revulsion.

Thankfully, he gives up in trying to hug me and I find myself sighing out of relief when he's just letting out a giggle before heading over towards the communal bathroom along with the boys. As soon as the door is closing behind them, I'm left to myself in the silent room.

In thought of what to do whilst everyone else is either in the shower or pondering around the arena, I sit myself on the couch and pull my phone out. I'm not completely sure where Breana is, knowing her she's probably in the randomest of situations right now.

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