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TW- mentions of relapsing and drugs/drug abuse

''She just won't leave me alone at all.'' I continue my rant to Nick on the phone, perching my phone in the cup compartment of my car as I drive back from Max's house with boxes of my belongings that she'd almost refused to give me.

''I can't believe she wasn't gonna' give you your stuff back.'' Nick speaks through the speaker of my phone as I finally turn onto the busy road of my apartment block.

''She's ridiculous, she was going to throw them out of the window at one point.'' I refer to a moment of the argument I've just had with Max.

''I'll bloody throw her out the window.'' Nick jokes and I shake my head with a smile before I hear a notification come through my phone. My eyes glance at the phone quickly and once I realize what it is, my eyes are rolling before returning back to the car park of my home that I'm about to pull into.

''She's trying to ring me again.'' I tell Nick with a sigh.

''Please, for the love of god, block her.''

Oh I wish I could.

''I can't. I've still got to sort everything out with work and stuff.'' I explain.

''So she's officially fired you?'' He asks.

''She told me today that if I left her house, she'd fire me so I quit instead. I'm handing my notice into HQ in a few days, I can't cope to work with her anymore.'' I remind myself of yet another errand I'm going to have to run in the upcoming days, as well as trying to look for another job.

''As you should. I'm surprised you didn't quit months ago with the way she treated you.''

''I know... I just don't know what job to get now.'' I finally pull into my complex for the first time since Katie had Bowie.

After the train station, I grabbed my car from the station car park and headed straight to Max's to pick my things up. A huge relief sinks into my stomach at the thought that I'm finally going to be able to sleep in my own bed.

''Photography!'' Nick exclaims and I grab my phone from the compartment before exiting the car. I'm leaving my stuff in here for the time being, I have quite literally no energy to bring them in with me so here they shall stay.

''You know I can't.'' As much as I want to, he knows it's undoable. I've had this discussion with all of the boys every other time photography has been brought up in the past.

"Brielle, you're a cracking photographer. We all saw those pictures and you literally have talent, just do it! You enjoy it, you don't need to worry about the financial aspect because you know for an absolute fact that myself or any of the others would never let you suffer with money." He goes onto a rant as I dash my password into the monitor next to the door of my complex.

"I love you but I refuse to rely on all of you for money. You earned it, spend it on yourselves! I'm a big girl, I can get money. I can still do photography for a hobby but a job is priority, Nicko." I use a nickname lightheartedly as I reject his offer.

"You're bloody annoying sometimes, Helders." I smile when I hear Nick sigh annoyedly into the speaker.

"So I'm told." I smirk with my foot tapping against the floor of the lift that is currently on its way up to my apartment floor.

Like I said- I've got no energy. There was no way I was taking the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised you've been told already." He jokes and I roll my eyes with a tut before I'm stepping off the lift when the doors open.

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