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I'd wished for an early nights sleep, and that is what I got.

What I didn't ask for was an early waking, which is what I got when Max spammed my phone this morning. 

The first thing that comes to the forefront of my mind as soon as I'm being obnoxiously woken up by my phone is the fact that I declared myself a single woman before Alex turned up yesterday, the reminder of falling asleep on the couch with Alex. 

I don't remember getting myself into bed.

With no intentions of answering the phone, I jump up and turn my head, a sigh of relief leaving my mouth when I realize that Alex isn't next to me. 

When the phone doesn't stop ringing, I kick my feet out of the bed before grabbing the vibrating phone with an eye roll.

''When are you coming back?'' Is the first thing Max is saying into the phone. 

''To you? Never.'' 

''Don't be fucking stupid, Brielle. I'm on my way back, we're sorting this out.'' It's only when I hear the engine of a car in the background of the call that I realize she isn't lying. 

''Max, I made my decision. Leave me alone, I don't want to sort things out anymore.'' I walk into the main area of my hotel just to double check that Alex isn't still here, sighing when I see that he is most definitely not here. 

''No, we love each other. We're not breaking up.'' 

''In theory, I never actually told you I loved you.'' I shrug before I begin to grab all the stray pieces of clothing on my floor. 

I know she won't back down in coming here to meet me, so I'll beat her. I'll be gone before she gets here. 

''You're being a twat now.'' She groans and I can hear her begin to speed up the car. 

''I'm being a twat?'' I huff into the speaker, holding the mobile between my ear and shoulder whilst I bend down to pick my last pair of shoes up. 

''Come on, babe.. you know what I can get like, I'm only doing it because I love you. You know that.'' She does the thing she always does after an argument. 

''Yeah, exactly. I know what you get like, and I don't want that. It isn't fair, it's manipulative, Max. I can't deal with it anymore, you need to get help.'' 

''You're blowing it out of proportion. I'm not manipulating you at all.'' She sighs. 

''Believe what you want but I'm not happy in this relationship, Max. I say that with my whole heart, you've treated me so badly.'' I toss the clothes I've gathered from around the room into the suitcase that I dragged onto my bed. 

''I haven't treated you badly! I've looked out for you, everything I've done has been with reason!'' 

''You have treated me badly! You don't even let me go out or drink without causing an argument! That is so toxic. It isn't fair for neither of us, we're constantly arguing.'' I put the phone on speaker before throwing it onto the bed to stop me from having to carry it around whilst cleaning. 

''I'll let you go out with your friends, babe. Please just don't leave, I can't cope without you.'' She's starting to turn herself into the victim.

I've been through this argument enough times to predict what her next move will be. 

''I'm leaving. You're an adult, I'm not your lifeline. You can cope.'' I walk across the room to grab my makeup bag and when I come into view of the mirror, a bad braid hanging over my left shoulder catches my attention. I remember telling Alex that I'd braid in the morning. 

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