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Our hands haven't left one another's bodies since we've got into the taxi. Whether that be his hand on my clothed thigh, or my arm, or my hand reaching for his hand or his cheek, we find any excuse to steal glances whenever we're pointing something out to each other as we drive past things that neither of us are actually bothered about.

Of course, it's nothing sinister, with innocent touches every few seconds. Both of us are giddy and giggly and the taxi driver even finds our constant hysteria fits hilarious.

However, the further into the drive, the shared touches grow closer together and somehow more passionate than they were minutes ago, and by the time we're pulling up, we're practically chasing one another up into his fancy apartment lobby after generously tipping the taxi driver for putting up with our insufferable laughing.

Even when he ends up having to talk to the old lady who sits with a magazine on the blue, velvet couch in the corner of the lobby, whose name I've acknowledged is Irene, he manages to steal touches. His hand clasps mine as his thumb rubs between my index and my thumb whilst he talks about his day to Irene, making a point to ask her about hers too.

When he wishes Irene a good rest of the evening, he's resuming in dragging me to the lift. Even in the lift, we don't stop, only this time it grows more urgent.

With the short amount of time we have, Alex is pulling me closer and slamming his lips down onto mine. I try to move as orderly as I can with the pace we're moving at but my heels make it hard to do so, however, I push the thought aside when a small grunt leaves Alex's mouth, vibrating into my own mouth.

We almost push one another of each other when the doors open and when a middle aged couple stand on the other side of the door with a weirded out expression, both Alex and I leave the elevator in silence until the doors close behind us, where the two of us burst out into laughter at the idea of almost getting caught like some teenagers.

It's only now that I realise just how guilty we do look as we walk down Alex's floor. I walk with a limp as a result of my aching feet, red hot cheeks, dishevelled hair from when Alex so stupidly tried to mess it up and lipstick smudged across my swollen lips, whilst Alex walks with dishevelled hair and a wonky tie now loosely wrapped around his neck.

He looks as gorgeous now than he ever has.

I can't ignore the ache that sits between my legs as I impatiently wait for Alex to unlock his door. I'm so desperate for him, yet I want to wait it out for as long as possible so I can spend more time with him.

However, that idea soon flies through the door when Alex is dragging me into the apartment, kicking the door shoot behind him. I've been looking forward to returning here so that I can properly look at all of the photographs that line this very hallway, but I don't get any time whatsoever because Alex is encouraging me to quickly kick off my shoes.

Still our hands don't leave each other's bodies in the way that his hands wrap around my torso from behind as I lead myself through the partly familiar hallway.

My skin sets itself on fire when Alex places firm kisses up my neck, an involuntary gasp escaping my swollen lips at the contact.

Once we get to the end of the hallway, I'm drawn to the view of the wall-length window but I look away to scan the room for places we can go to. However, my eyes struggle to stay open with the way Alex's lips are biting down on one specific spot of my neck.

In no time, Alex is spinning me around with my chest flush against his. My hands automatically come up to hook beneath his blazer before I slide it off. In the process, my hands smooth over Alex's prominent muscles that definitely were not there when we were together all those months ago.

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