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''You know, Bri.. these photos aren't even that bad.'' Alex smiles as he flicks through the pictures that I'd transferred from the camera to my phone. My first job with the crew was last night, and I enjoyed it so much. Tour photography is something I'd wanted to do since I was younger but it was just something that I never got to do in college.

''Thankyou.'' I smile as we walk through the streets of Philadelphia after being dragged out of the hotel by Matt.

''Don't thank me for telling the truth.'' Alex hands me back my phone when he gets to the last of many photos and I close my gallery app off, followed by my phone.

''Do you know where we're going?'' I ask as I push my phone into my black handbag. The only details I got about today is that it was fancy, so I was instructed to dress fancy. Which is why I'm currently hissing in pain every time my toes rub against the side of these excruciating black heels, and it is also why I'm currently wearing a silk black dress along with a black bow tying half of my hair up. I added gloves to dramatize the look because what would my trip to America be without a bit of a dramatic outfit?

 I added gloves to dramatize the look because what would my trip to America be without a bit of a dramatic outfit?

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''It's called the R2L Restaurant, it's really nice. It's a small restaurant so the privacy is really good in there and it's high up so it's got a nice view of the city. I've been there before.'' He explains as we follow the group through the busy streets, dodging hasty pedestrians as Alex and I mutter amongst ourselves.

''Oh, nice.''

The walk to the restaurant felt like it took way longer than it should've due to the stinging of my feet, but I sigh in relief as soon as we're entering a fancy lobby and making our way to an elevator.

''Matt's been acting weird the whole night, don't you think?'' I lean into Alex slightly with a whisper, careful that nobody can hear us in the packed space of the lift.

''No, I think he's been quite normal.'' Alex shakes his head with a shoulder shrug, avoiding my eye contact so that the group are unable to see us talking.

''Hm, must just be me then.'' I nod and step back away from Alex, returning my gaze to the elevator door in front of me that is about to open.

As soon as the door opens, Matt is hastily rushing out of the compact space so that he can be the first to the check-in desk. We exit the elevator and within seconds of walking into the restaurant, I can already say that it's one of the most beautiful restaurants I've ever seen.

Alex wasn't lying when he said we would be high up, we have a view of the buildings and roads of Philadelphia adorned with the most beautiful sunset. It looks like it's been recently renovated with the modern blue lights rimming the grey windows and the zebra print seats.

 It looks like it's been recently renovated with the modern blue lights rimming the grey windows and the zebra print seats

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