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''Jamie, did you pack the nappies?'' Katie asks as she kneels down in front of the nappy bag in my living room, half of her arms dug into the full bag in search of the nappies. 

''The answer's still the same as when you asked me two minutes ago.'' He sighs from my kitchen as he bounces a three week old Bowie gently in his arms.

''You didn't bloody pack them! They're not here!'' She stresses before kneeling back with a sigh, shaking her head dismissively. 

''Take him for a second, Mate.'' Jamie rolls his eyes before passing Bowie over to Alex, who stands next to Jamie in the kitchen. Alex instantly stiffens as soon as Bowie is in his arms and the look of pure fright on his face is one that has me wishing I had a camera in my hands right now. 

''They're in the front pocket.'' Jamie groans as he rushes to Katie's side before kneeling with her on the floor of my living room, his hands coming down to search the bag. 

''Go on then, find them.'' Katie says smugly as she leans back to watch Jamie's obvious downfall- the downfall where he realizes he has in fact not packed the nappies. 

''They're here somewhere..'' He mutters under his breath and I smile at the way Katie is almost giggling at Jamie's determination to find the nappies that aren't even in there. 

''I swear I put them in.. God's honest truth.'' Jamie gives up with a frustrated sigh of defeat and all of us laugh at how Katie has been able to prove him wrong. 

''You're a daft shit sometimes.'' Alex shakes his head with a smirk whilst he strolls into the living room with Bowie held snug in his arms. 

''We're gonna' have to go and get some, we can't stay here for hours with no nappies.'' Katie exhales tiredly.

Although I've made the mistake of inviting everyone to my apartment and having to cramp them all in somehow once before, I've been stupid enough to invite them all again for a takeaway. It's going to be even more crowded in my tiny living room now that there's one new addition to the crew. 

''Well I'll go and get them then.'' Jamie offers and Katie just shakes her head. 

''No, you'll get the wrong ones. I'll get them.'' She responds whilst Alex takes a seat a few inches away from me on the couch, making sure to lower himself down ever so slowly out of fear of waking Bowie up. 

''You can't drive on the medicine you're on, you div, I'll drive and you can go in.'' Jamie tells her and without question, he swipes his car keys from the coffee table in front of us. 

Katie nods before truly thinking it through. As expected, it doesn't take her long for her eyes to widen before she whips her head to mine as though she's worried that she's just agreed to leave me with Alex. 

Alex and I still haven't told a soul about how we're on speaking terms now. In fact, this is the first time I've seen Alex since he showed up at my apartment a few days ago. He arrived after Jamie, Katie and the baby got here so we haven't had a chance to talk without it looking suspicious yet. 

''Is it alright if I leave the baby with you whilst we're there? We'll only be twenty minutes max and it'll save us having to buckle him in and all that.'' Katie asks and I raise my eyebrows in slight shock.

I have no experience with kids whatsoever. 

''I don't know how to-'' Like she knows my question already, she cuts me off.

''If he cries, give him his dummy. If he cries with his dummy, give him his bottle. He shouldn't really be due a bottle though.'' Katie explains like it's as easy as anything and I just nod silently as I repeat the steps in my head. 

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