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''Are you all settled in?'' Matt asks as my feet hang over the bunk of my bed.

Today, we all moved into the tour bus. It definitely is not what I was expecting, it's so much bigger than I'd expected it to be. The beds are a little bigger than a standard single bed, and each bed has it's own privacy curtain. The beds in themselves are perfect, but I have a problem.

My problem is that my bed is directly above Alex's.

Of course, I'd be landed with the luck of this happening. In fact, I should've expected it, especially considering Alex and I aren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment.

''Yeah, all my stuff is packed away.'' I nod, to which Matt smiles before walking away.

I haven't seen Alex since last night, and neither has anyone else. I'm slightly worried about him, but Breana told me not to lose sleep over it considering it isn't rare that he usually disappears for a night or two.

Everyone on the tour bus are slowly drifting to sleep, meaning that this will be the second night since Alex randomly disappeared. He's not answering his phone, not even my calls, but like Breana said, I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

That's a lie, I'm 100% losing sleep over it because now that everyone in the tour bus is sleeping, I'm still wide awake worrying about an idiotic prick. It's 12:30 and there's still no sign of him.

I've tried flipping my pillow, changing positions, counting sheep, and nothing is working. In a huff, I annoyedly kick the thin covers from my legs, swinging my legs over the bunk and quietly hopping down onto the floor. Careful not to wake anyone, I tiptoe to the kitchen in search of a drink.

The light of the fridge shines in my face, illuminating this area of the dark bus as I search the fridge for any sort of drink. Just as I'm about to grab one of the many Capri-Suns that I'd requested to be bought, I heart a quiet knock against the outside of the bus, followed by some scraping.

I still for a second, holding my movements so that I can listen for any other noise. When the noises are followed by silence, I brush it off as me hearing things before reaching for my Capri-Sun. As soon as I'm shutting the fridge door, a louder bang is making me jump. Except this time, it's on the actual door of the bus.

I begin to panic, picking up the first weapon I see; a knife. I'm unsure of whether to wake anyone up. For all I know, it could just be a wild animal. I've never come across any in the UK, but I have heard of it being common in the US.

''I'm not cut out for this.'' I groan with a whisper, slowly approaching the front of the bus.

Suddenly, the door of the bus is quickly sliding open and I'm dropping the knife in panic.

So much for the weapon.

Just as I'm about to scream, I see Alex walk up the few steps and I'm clutching at my chest to get the breath back.

''Jesus fucking christ, Alex! What are you doing walking in like that?'' I sigh with my hands held to my chest.

''Nothing, go to sleep.'' He dismisses me, pushing past me so he can head to the kitchen.

''Where've you been? We've been worried sick.'' I frown as I follow him. That's a lie, nobody else has been worried about him except from me.

''It's none of your business.'' He swings the door of the fridge open, taking a bottle of beer out before slamming it shut again.

''Well it is, you left after an argument between you and I.'' I try to keep as quiet as possible, standing behind Alex as his hand stays flat against the closed fridge door.

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