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The next morning

The feeling of a cool breeze hitting my bare skin has me waking from my deep sleep and for a few minutes, I try to ignore the goosebumps rising from my skin but it soon gets too much to ignore.

It takes me a few seconds to become conscious of the ring-baring hand that has wrapped itself around my waist and it takes me a few more seconds to become conscious of who the fucking ringed hand belongs to.

It's draped lazily over my waist and quite frankly, I'm too scared to turn around. I'm too busy trying to keep myself calm because I'm currently tied up in bed with fucking Alex Turner.

With tense joints and clenched teeth, I'm slowly trying to move myself from Alex's grasp but my plan only backfires when his grasp is tightening and pulling me straight back to him, only this time the bare skin of my back is flush against his naked chest.

I lay dead still as I listen for any signs that he's woken up and my eyes are only squinting shut when I feel him begin to stir.

''What time is it?'' His voice is low and grumbly when he speaks and the fact that he's speaking to me tells me that he knows I'm awake.

I don't even know the time myself.

Alex loosens his hold on me when I'm pushing myself up to peer at my alarm clock.

''Oh, fuck.'' My eyes are widening when I'm realizing the time. For the first time in months, I'm willingly throwing myself out of bed for the sake of the time, considering I've made plans to meet Matt at the train station in twenty minutes.

''What?'' Alex groans when he's turning over and the sun is sneaking into his eyes, having his arm soon rest over his eyes as a shield, thankfully so because all I'm wearing as I run hectically around the room is a 10 year old, short Beatles shirt that is pretty much see through from the amount of times I've ever washed it.

''It's half eleven, the train gets here in twenty minutes.'' I tell him as I route through my drawer in search of an outfit in turn for the short shirt that covers nothing at the moment.

Considering I was having sex with this man last night, I feel ever so exposed.

I cringe as the thought of last night slips into my mind and I try to put the thought past me but the prominent ache at the top of my legs makes it hard to do so.

Is it classed as fucking on the first date if I've met him before? Would I be considered easy? I don't really care either way.

However, I am waking up with my brother's best friend and although the sight of him shirtless in my bed right now is something that has the same feeling as last night building up again, I still, again, cringe at the idea.

''Can't he wait?'' Alex groans whilst I pull out a pair of folded denim jeans. It's not what I want to be wearing on a hot day like this but I haven't been bothered to do the washing for the past two weeks so it'll have to do.

''I promised him.'' I tell Alex as I messily shuffle myself into the baggy trousers with the help of my hand keeping myself steady by holding the dresser. I must look a right state jumping up and down trying to get into them.

''Can you not say there was traffic?'' Alex asks whilst sitting himself up in my bed.

''I'm walking.'' I huff out a breath of air when I'm finally shuffling myself into the baggy jeans and I must admit, I feel my cheeks heat under the gaze of Alex.

''What should I do?'' He questions whilst I debate whether to wear a crop top or the button up I wore as a jacket yesterday.

I want to tell him that all he has to do is stay right there in my bed, specifically where the sun shines onto his toned chest, because I quite enjoy the view.

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