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''Are you coming to the housewarming party then?'' Katie asks whilst I pour each of us a drink of juice in my small kitchen. 

''Of course, when is it again?'' I ask before finishing off with the drinks, leaning over to hand Katie, who leans against the counter, hers. 

''On the weekend.'' She reminds me, giving a nod of thanks when I hand her her drink. ''We're thinking about telling everyone about the baby.'' 

I smile at the idea. As far as I know, Jamie, Jamie's parents, Katie's parents and I are the only ones who are currently aware of Katie's pregnancy. Now that she's reaching the 14 week mark, it's hard to hide her growing bump which is why she's having to tell everyone sooner or later. 

As predicted, Jamie was obviously over the moon when Katie handed him a baby suit with the bands logo on it, and it didn't take long for him to realize what it had meant before he was screaming out of excitement for Katie. As soon as Jamie realized that Katie was going to be with him for the next eighteen years, like she'd implied, he immediately started looking for houses for the two of them. It wasn't long until him and Katie fell in love with a house in London. 

''They're all gonna' be so excited!'' I smile purely out of excitement just for Katie and Jamie. Also out of excitement for the fact that I'll be taking the Friday off of work to get down to London for the Saturday. 

''I do have one thing, though..'' Katie's tone darkens almost shamefully and I frown at the change of mood whilst I shuffle myself up onto the kitchen counter opposite her, sitting upon the cold surface. 

''What?'' I ask out of confusion. 

''Alex is going to be there.'' She announces and like any other time, my stomach drops at the mention of his name. 

I just nod slowly as I try to gather my thoughts. 

It's been two months since that last phone call with Alex. Two months since I last saw him. I've spent those two months trying my absolute best to avoid him and anything that has to do with him. I've spent those two months in excruciatingly painful confusion as to how and why someone I'd been vulnerable enough to love had been able to change it all within a day. 

I wander my thoughts, searching for any answer. That is until I get one idea. 

''Can I bring someone?'' I ask out of curiosity. 

''What, like a plus one?'' She responds with a tilt of the head, earning a nod from me. 

''A romantic plus one, Miss Helders?'' A shit-eating grin perks up Katie's pink lips, a look of humored shock adoring her face. 

''I guess so.'' I shrug with red cheeks. 

Max and I have been spending quite a bit of time together recently. Although I'm not too sure about how exactly I feel about her, it's been nice to have some company. I'm still wary about how appropriate our relationship is for work, but she's assured me that there's no risk for my job if we were to ever take things a step further- which she's already voiced she does in fact want to do. 

''Have you told Breana and Kelly about this person!?'' She asks excitedly. 

''I've mentioned it once or twice.'' I admit with a grin evident upon my flushed cheeks. 

''Oh my god! Who's the lucky person?'' 

''Her name is Max, she's my boss.'' I inform her. 

''Your boss? Fucking hell, Bri. You're going for a spicy romance.'' Katie jokes and I roll my eyes with a laugh before she continues. ''Anyways, yeah. Bring her along.'' She nods with great ease.

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