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''Alex! Welcome to America, can I ask a few questions real quick?''

''Mr Turner, are you excited for your tour with the boys?'' 

''How do you feel about the new announcement of the death of Lou Reed?''

''Any new albums planned for the future, boys?'' 

The flash of multiple cameras intrudes my vision as soon as I step out of the jet along with everyone else. I'm immediately having to shield my eyes at the bright flashes, and I'm almost having to cover my ears due to the loud and sudden change in volume. Atleast 12 people surround Alex as soon as he leaves the plane, desperately shoving large cameras and microphones towards his direction. 

Although it looks like they're trying to be mindful of his space, they fail in doing so when the people behind the initial circle begin to push the people at the front in attempt to get closer. Alex ignores the many questions being aimed at him, instead grabbing his sunglasses out of his pocket and sliding them onto his face. Each of the boys follow shortly behind, sliding their glasses onto their faces whilst Breana does too.

''Someone could've told me to bring glasses, I feel like the odd one out.'' I mutter to Breana, continuing to shield my eyes from the lights. I'm not even in the forefront of all of these flashes so I wouldn't even like to imagine how bright it must be for Alex. 

''It'll be fine once we're in the airport, the security keep them away. Just keep your head down for now, pap pictures can be fucking brutal.'' She responds before following her own advice and looking down, avoiding the attraction of the cameras. I copy her, not wanting to take any chances considering it's the first time I'm experiencing anything like this. 

After what felt like hours of pushing through needy camera men, we finally make it inside the airport and thankfully, Breana's words where true when she said that the airport was calmer than outside. I'm only just now realizing how hot it actually is in America, despite the light clothing I wore. 

''Fuck me, I'm sweating my tits off.'' Breana sighs as we all jump into the black mini bus. 

At first it feels a bit awkward seeing the drivers side of the car being on the left, but after a few minutes I adjust and fall into the conversation of excitement that is bursting through the vehicle. 

''We'll have to go back to that bar that we went to last time, it was boss.'' Miles says to the group, and I'm assuming he's talking about somewhere they've been to on their last tour. 

''What, the Library bar?'' Nick asks to which Miles nods enthusiastically. 

He reminds me of a kid. 

''It was shit, absolutely not.'' Matt shakes his head as he sits beside Breana, hugging her as far into his side as the seatbelt lets him.  

''It wasn't shit, I loved it.'' Miles scoffs.

''It was a bit shit to be fair.'' Jamie joins in with a fair shrug, kicking his left leg over the other. 

''You all just don't know what a good pub looks like.'' Miles rolls his eyes. 

Whilst the boys continue to bicker over what pubs are good in California, I feel a small tap on my leg. I drag my gaze from the center of the car and look next to me to see Alex with, no surprise, his sunglasses perched on the top of his nose, shading his eyes from the sun. 

''Have you ever been to America?'' He asks as the fingers of his left hand tap rhythmically against the glass window, his tattooed arm resting against the ledge of the car door. 

I never knew he got a tattoo. 

''Nope, never left the UK.'' I respond with a subtle shake of the head, watching as his lips purse as though my answer sends him deep into concentration. 

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