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TW- mentions of drugs and alcohol and mentions of throwing up, for all the emetophobia girls like me 

''I think we're going to go to that Elevate Lounge in the city center... and then I wouldn't mind trying out that Grand one that opened up last week but it might be dead busy because it's so new.'' Miles lists off the clubs that he's hoping to go to tonight as Daniel walks next to him and Alex and I follow behind.

Daniel and Miles have been begging to go on a night out since the last time I agreed to go for the night out in Liverpool, only this time they're coming to London for the night out.

It was hard not to say yes considering they'd made the offer to come up to London for this, though I'd have much preferred to stay in with Alex tonight, and that thought makes me feel old.

We stumble through the unbelievably busy streets of London as the cool air hits our skin. It's only now that I regret wearing a pretty much see through, white lace lingerie top with thin material white, long, loose trousers as well as the matching white lace heels that do an extremely bad job of keeping my feet warm and comfortable.

I am freezing and I know for a fact I'll catch a lovely cold to go on top of whatever weird sickness bug I have at the moment.

''I know a club.'' Alex speaks up from beside me as we walk hand in hand.

''Which one?'' Miles turns around a begins to walk backwards so that he can face Alex.

''Fucking watch where you're going!'' A complete stranger with a broad London accent tells Miles in passing and Miles' eyebrows instantly scrunch together.

''Bloody do one, Soft lad.'' Miles tuts and the strange rolls their eyes before continuing to walk. I stand with my mouth hung open as Miles returns to complete normal.

''Erm.. it's called Cirque something.'' Alex explains and Daniel instantly perks up at the sound of the unfamiliar club.

''Oh my god, yes! Lets go there!'' Daniel must know exactly what that club is considering he seems so excited by the idea of it.

''Do you want to go there?'' Alex's head turns towards mine in question and I nod my head in return.

It doesn't take long for us all to get to the club. In fact, it happens to be just around the corner.

When Alex mentioned a club, I didn't expect it to be a massive building with hours worth of queues to get inside. I'd expected a small venue with a maximum thirty minute wait. Those exact hours worth of queues contain people of all different types. Some with crazy coloured hair, some wearing barely anything, some with circus-like fancy dress on- all different types of people fill the queue and it only entices me more as to what is inside the club.

I try to ignore the awkward stares and grunts we get when we all walk straight past the queue but that skill comes easy considering there are men with thousands of pounds worth of camera equipment are all stood on the other side of the road, scanning the path for, I'm presuming, anyone who's interesting enough to be papped.

My stomach drops when I see them all perk up at the sight of Miles and Alex and it's only then that I'm realizing I'm quite literally walking along the paths of London with two celebrities. Although I've been in this situation with Alex before, this is the first time since our breakup. Still, only our friends and family know that we're back together but we've avoided putting it back into the open for the simple reason of just wanting to keep it between us just for a little longer.

I know that I don't look all that good today considering I was up last night fearing that I would throw up and although I know people are more likely to look at Miles and Alex in these photos rather than Daniel and I, I keep my head down just ever so slightly.

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