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Alex Turner

I can't stop staring at her. 

It's frustrating.

She sits in front of me as the group surrounds us in seats around the white-clothed table. 

I'm not really sure why we're here. Breana and Matt suddenly insisted that we should all go back to Sheffield for the weekend and unfortunately, I had nothing else to do, which means I'm now following everyone around whilst they catch up with family. 

However, tonight Matt and Breana decided to be fancy and drag us all to a posh restaurant in the centre. Stupidly, Matt invited his Mum, who refused to come unless my mum and dad tagged along, so I'm now sat at a table with my Mum and Dad, Matt's Mum, Breana, Jamie, Nick, Kelly, Katie, Bowie, Matt and thankfully, Brielle. 

My mum hasn't stopped fussing over Brielle's outfit, repeatedly telling Brielle how 'gorgeous' her choice was. Although we've only been here for the most of ten minutes, my Mum has already mentioned how 'flawless' Brielle looks about twelve times. Quite honestly, I don't blame her. I'm just as obsessed with the way the sage green, fuzzy cardigan hangs loosely from her shoulders, revealing the white vest top beneath the baggy cardigan. I'm also just as obsessed with the way her denim jeans cling to the top of her legs in the right places before they flare slightly at the bottom, almost covering her dirty, white platform converse. 

I'm just obsessed with her. 

''He's absolutely beautiful.'' Matt and Brielle's mum coo's over Bowie as she rocks him in her arms. 

''Yeah, beautiful when he's not bloody screaming the house down.'' Jamie jokes and Jill just rolls her eyes with a shake of the head. 

''Brielle, love.. where is the cardigan from? I love it, you look amazing!'' My mum compliments Brielle for the fourth time tonight and I turn my head to them. Amazingly for my mum, Brielle is sat right in between her and Brielle's mum, giving my mum the perfect distance from Brielle to chat her ear off all night. 

''It's from the charity shop! I'll pick you one up if I ever see one similar!'' Brielle chuckles nervously and I smile at the way her cheeks redden at my Mum's constant compliments. 

''You better, I can't bloody get over it.'' My Mum sighs adoringly as she sits back in her seat with a pin straight posture- something she still nags at me to perfect.

When my Mum's attention is being dragged away by Bowie, Brielle sighs in relief as her chest lets out a big puff. I smile at the way she almost looks like she's sweating and she catches my smile, automatically upturning her lips when she looks my way.

''Hello.'' She smirks with a breathy laugh- this being the first time we've gotten a chance to speak to each other tonight. 

''Bye.'' I reply and she just rolls her eyes before scanning the table. 

''Why are we here?'' She says to me, keeping her voice down so not to let anyone hear. 

''Not a clue.'' I shrug before she finally lays her eyes upon me again, my cheeks, like expected, reddening beneath her gaze. 

''Hm... I feel like something's gonna' happen.'' She hums suspiciously and I nod in agreement. 

It goes silent between Brielle and I as each of us watch the ongoing conversations across the table, neither of us engaging ourselves into any of the three conversations happening. 

''What was it like getting here?'' I ask Brielle when she looks back at me from across the table. 

''It wasn't too bad, traffic was alright. I'm just shattered now.'' She tells me and I nod. 

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