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TW- mention of miscarriage

''She's so tiny.'' Brielle's lips purse in a coo as we walk into the dimly lit room. A smile ruptures from my mouth at the sight of the baby girl laying in the small incubator.

''She's a fighter.'' A nurse fully decked out in scrubs, mask and gloves tells us as she moves a pile of blankets from the chair next to the incubator, instead moving it to another chair. Although the nurse is wearing a blue surgical mask, I can see that she smiles thanks to the prominent crinkles by her eyes.

''Is she doing well?'' Brielle asks and even though she talks to the nurse, she can't seem to take her eyes off of the tiny baby in the bed.

''That baby girl is doing the best I've ever seen a baby do.'' The nurse approaches us once she's finished gathering the cloths before standing with her hands on her hips. ''She's so strong.''

Brielle smiles before the nurse is tapping her on the shoulder, holding a blue mask in her hand. Brielle takes it with a 'thankyou' before the nurse approaches me to do the same.

''See, Bon? I told your Mum there was nothing to worry about.'' Brielle crouches down so that she can see through the side of the clear bassinet.

We found out three days ago that Matt and Breana had picked the name 'Bonnie' for the baby. It took them a good five days to come to a mutual decision thanks to the fact that Breana was convinced that Bonnie was a boy so she only had a boy name picked out.

I can't even believe that it's been over a week since Breana went into labour. It's flown past. Today is the day that we should've been flying back to England but Brielle refused to leave Breana here, so we've pushed the stay until whenever Brielle is fine with leaving Breana. Breana, at the moment, is fine. She's been discharged, though she's barely been out of the hospital either way. She's always either spending time with Bonnie or shopping for necessities, whilst Matt helps her around.

''She's progressing perfectly, I've never seen anything like it.'' The nurse smiles at Brielle and I sit myself down on the chair next to the incubator. I smile at the sight of Brielle gazing through the glass to see Bonnie.

''How long will it be until she's out of NICU?'' I'm asking out of pure curiosity and the doctor takes a serious sigh.

''It's hard to say.'' She tells me before continuing. ''It's usually recommended to keep the babies in up until they reach thirty six weeks, however, I've seen babies leave NICU at thirty two weeks and Bonnie is reaching that age.'' She says and this has Brielle hesitantly dragging her gaze from Bonnie to instead look at the nurse. ''Now that doesn't go to say that Bonnie can go home right now. She's doing amazingly, of course, but we've got to take it day by day. She is heading towards discharge though.''

''That's amazing!'' Brielle smiles at the nurse before turning back to Bonnie.

''It is for such a tiny baby.'' The nurse agrees with a nod of pride and Brielle's shoulders scrunch up as she flashes a toothy smile of excitement.

''I can't wait for Breana to bring her home.'' Brielle's head is turning to face me as she stands up from crouching down.

''Imagine Miles when he meets her.'' I respond and Brielle huffs out a laugh at the memory of what Miles was like when he first met Bowie.

When Miles first met Bowie, a few days after he was born, he turned up with every baby thing you could think of. He had someone make personalized 'B' balloon bouquets, some balloons with David Bowie prints on them, hampers full of baby things and boxes of toys. It took up the whole of Jamie and Katie's living room.

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