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the epilogue.

Today is the day I open up the studio.

It's taken almost a year of work, renovation and a whole lot of fucking motivation to get to this moment.

''Okay, we've got the drinks, snacks...'' Breana lists off as she looks around the white room that I've decorated with enlarged, framed photographs.

''Business cards?'' I add as I clear a few sheets of paper from the front desk.

''We've got the business cards too.'' She nods and I let out a sigh of relief.

Last time I was this stressed was when Alex and I went to court.

''We've got ten minutes until doors are open... should I take a look outside?'' Breana asks and I think about it for a second.

''Go on.'' I nod as I find a place for the loose sheets to go before standing straight. I watch as Breana leans to peer out the window of the alcove that is full of an array of different plants.

When I got the studio, I tried to make it as homely as possible. Although it's a public space, it's somewhere that I'll be spending a lot of time so I tried to make it at least a little bit cozy. Multiple plants sit around the open showroom, along with things you'd find in a home. In one corner of the room, there's an antique armchair with a small table of books next to it. Next to the old, wooden door, there's an old lamp that Irene gave me a few months ago. Around the room, there's tall and small tea tables that carry unscented candles and small trinkets.

And my favourite thing of all is the antique rug in the middle of the gray, almost black, laminate wooden floor. It's the rug from Angela and Roberto's hotel room. After the wedding, I offered to buy it off of them as a joke and my god, was that a heavenly mistake. They insisted that I took it as a 'wedding gift' as though the fact that they'd pulled of the most amazing wedding wasn't enough of a gift. I refused to accept it, however, they weren't letting it go.

I made sure to leave them a generous tip and I had flowers sent to their house.

''Fuck me...'' Breana turns around with wide eyes and my heart drops at her reaction.

''What?'' I frown as I step forward from the front desk.

''Take a look for yourself, babe.'' She nods her head to the windowed alcove and hesitantly, I walk myself to the window.

''Oh my god.'' My heart is almost jumping into my mouth at the sight of the line outside.

I'd half expected Breana's reaction to have been from there not being a lot of people outside.

It's the complete opposite.

The line goes on for about four hundred yards down the road, where it turns onto another street.

''How the fuck are we going to manage that many people?'' I ask with a dropped jaw and Breana just shrugs her shoulder.

''We'll be alright, this is good for you!'' Breana enthuses but if I'm being honest, I'm shitting myself at the thought of having so many people view my works.

Before I can thank Breana for the reassurance, a knock is coming from the back of the shop. I hurry over to the door leading into my closed-off studio before rushing through to the back door of the studio.

''Jesus christ, have you seen all them people outside?'' Alex is spitting out as soon as I'm opening the door and my eyes instantly soften at the sight of him. I'm relaxing even more when I'm glancing down to Valerie, who for once, is actually awake.

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 || 𝘈.𝘛Where stories live. Discover now