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I'm kind of, full force sobbing as I write this so I'm going to keep it short and sweet ♡

No words will ever be able to describe how fucking grateful I am for each and every person who has read my story. I'll never be able to tell you all how much it means to me!

I'd be here forever if I type everything I'm thinking, so I'll start with this; you have all made such a huge impact on me as a person. I'm a student and there's been times where I've honestly just thought about scrapping the whole thing when it gets to exams and revision, however, those of you who have supported the story and voted have urged me to continue! 

I can confidently say that I've not once done anything like this. This is my first time ever even writing, so of course, it was so nerve-wracking to publish this. I picked the start of this book up right at the beginning of the UK's first lockdown as something to do, and it just grew. I never even had any intentions of publishing it until my friend told me to, and so I did. 

As though the fact that I have actually finished a book isn't enough to show you how much of an impact this story has on me, I have grown up with this book. The person I was when I began this story is the fucking polar-opposite to the person I am now. 

So, in other words, I thank every single one of you for what you've made me accomplish. I've written a fucking story before reaching adulthood and I think that's something that a good majority of the population haven't done, so thankyou for pushing me and urging me to continue, every one of you.

I'm also so sorry if the ending felt rushed or disappointing in a way. In reality, this story was supposed to end months ago but I honestly couldn't let it go just yet. 

I'm still not ready to let my love, Brielle, go just yet, and not even half of her story has been told yet, which is why I've decided to give you all a little bit extra.

The Songbook.

'The Songbook

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'The Songbook.' is a collection of chapters that highlight the situations and scenarios that Alex thought about when he wrote the songs for Brielle. It walks you through the highs and lows of Alex's point of view when writing about Brielle. 

On top of that, I've made you all a playlist that consists of all the songs that I've ever used in at the beginning of chapters and songs that remind me of Bri and Alex too : )))


It has been an absolute pleasure to take you all on this journey with me. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I send you all my kisses!

All my love, Liv♡

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