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Today is the day of our first court hearing.

Alex and I haven't exchanged a single word since our conversation at the restaurant the night after Halloween.

Though I'm glad he's respected my wishes and stuck to his word, my wishes were never for him to just completely disappear for two weeks. My wishes were for us not to push things between us any further than they already were.

However, Alex did text me this morning to remind me about it as though I would've forgotten, even after the letter of information I received from his lawyer last week.

I left London two nights after the night at the restaurant so that I'd be able to spend a bit of time at home for a while, even though I didn't get much time at home considering Daniel and Miles dragged me out for a few nights, whilst the other nights consisted of me searching for jobs and information regarding our court hearing.

Luckily, I had some savings left over from my job at Max's office and that's been enough to keep me going recently which has been ideal for the travelling I've been doing. However, I'm not going to be able to rely on my decreasing savings forever which puts me in the position of dire need for a job.

I found no luck in finding a job but I've decided not to stress about it too much. I know that I have a sufficient amount of money to keep me going for at least a little while.

For once in my life, I've actually packed a decent suitcase for the things I'll be doing in London. I know that this case might be extended onto another day if it happens to take any longer than just today, so I've brought as many outfits I need to keep me going for as long as I'm in London.

Coincidentally, I actually wear a pair of black, straight leg, baggy trousers that I stole from Alex when we were together. I haven't worn them since we've been together but they were the only appropriate trousers I had for something like court, so I've paired them with a tight, white, strapless shirt tucked into my pants. My hair is down with the addition of the new fringe that I drunkenly, impulsively cut when Miles and Daniel persuaded me to do it.

I'm definitely going to be freezing in the November air but atleast I'll look good whilst possibly getting unrightfully charged for a crime.

With the most positive idea of outcomes for today set into my head, I head to the taxi that waits outside of my hotel. Shamelessly, I tell him exactly where I'm needing to go.

I never stop hoping for my taxi driver to be Sandy's dad, but he never comes. However, I don't let that idea effect my mood.

Somehow, I'm walking into the building with a head held high, rid of fear. Any other day, I'd be shaking with fear but I don't feel that today. For some reason, I'm excited. It's as though all of those days uselessly studying to become a lawyer has somehow prepared me for today, even though I'm not actually the lawyer for today.

The building is fancy, almost scarily fancy, with tall ceilings and cream, yellow floors. The walls are a glazy mahogany, and so is the grand desk that sits in the middle of the lobby of the building.

As I approach the desk, I soon recognize Alex amongst the group of people who surround the table. He doesn't see me as I approach, it taking the lawyer to turn around and greet me for him to acknowledge my presence.

''Ah, you must be Miss Helders.'' The extremely polite looking lawyer is holding her hand out to me and although Alex has told me her name in the past, I've completely forgotten so my eyes glance towards the golden, metal pin that displays her name upon her blazer.

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 || 𝘈.𝘛Where stories live. Discover now