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''You have to come! It'll be so fun.'' Breana begs as soon as I plant myself onto the mattress of my hotel bed. 

Unfortunately, because of some common injuries that Katie had gotten during birth, she was advised to stay in the hospital for another night, meaning that her and Jamie's plans of showing up on everyone's doorstep with their baby wasn't able to happen. As an improvisation, they Facetimed the rest of the boys, Breana, Kelly and family members with Bowie in the frame of the call as their idea of a surprise. 

As soon as the boys all saw their best friend's newborn son, each of them impulsively travelled down to this part of London so that they could meet Bowie. Of course, Jamie is now insisting on having a party as a gesture of 'wetting the baby's head' whilst Katie visits her Mum and Dad with Bowie now that she's been discharged, which is why I'm now practically being forced to go to that party. 

''Is it not too early for that? Bowie is barely two nights old, will it not be too much for Jamie to leave him so early?'' I ask, my breath catching under my chest with a 'hmph' when Breana is jumping right next to me on the bed, the mattress dipping below our bodies that lay right next to eachother. 

''That man's adrenaline has been going since Katie went into labour, we might as well let him get it out of himself so he isn't too hyper when he's looking after B. Katie's said he's been driving her up the walls with how hyper he is, he's more tiring than the baby is, she said.'' Breana tells me and I giggle at how excited Jamie actually is about his son. 

''Where is the party?'' I'm slowly caving at the idea. After all the arguing I've been doing with Max last night and the night before, I could definitely use a drink. 

''Katie and Jamie's  house.'' 

A question pops into my head and obviously, I'm having to spit it out.

''Is Alex gonna' be there?''

''Probably, I think so.. you don't have to come if it's too mu-'' I'm cutting Breana off.

''No! No, of course not.. I'm not too bothered about it, I'll still come.'' I shrug it off with a massive lie. I'm definitely bothered about it.

''You're sure?'' Breana asks and I just nod, to which she chants as though she's won.

''Yes!'' She squeals and throws herself off of the bed, standing up with her hair that's now fuzzy from being rubbed against the mattress. ''I'll meet you at five, be ready! Do you have an outfit?'' 

That question has me thinking. All I have is the clothes that I wore at work when I got the call from Jamie, one put together outfit consisting of jeans and a white lace top as well as some random things that I dragged out of my wardrobe when I was rushing to pack for London. 

Hopefully, I'll be able to find some sort of outfit through the weird concoction of outfits I have in my monstrosity of a suitcase. 

''I should do.'' 

'' 'I should have an outfit', she said! And then she fucking comes out of the hotel looking like a model? Are you being serious?'' Breana groans as soon as I'm rushing out of the lobby of the hotel with my purse held over my curled hair in attempt to shield it from the pouring rain. 

It's not my best outfit, but luckily, I managed to mold some sort of outfit out of the random clothes I've managed to pull out of my suitcase; those clothes happening to be the black mini-skirt that I'd worn to work on the same day that Bowie was born, some tights that I've fished from right of the bottom of my suitcase and a black and white, striped jumped with flared sleeves that I'm sure I've never even worn before. 

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