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''Brielle.'' A small whisper is waking me from my light sleep.

I firstly groan at the noticeable pain in the bottom of my back whilst I try to force my eyes to open, but it's no use because they only squint at the ray of light that, of course, managed to sneak through the crack of the curtain and right onto my face.

However, my eyes are very quickly opening when I realize exactly where I am.

At some point last night, I fell asleep whilst mindlessly talking to Alex about the film we were watching. It had just finished and he'd asked me about the cast, which was the last thing I remember talking about to him. In my sleep, I've somehow managed to nestle myself into Alex's side. Either that, or I've fallen onto him in my sleep. Either way, my head is laid against his side with one of my arms crossed against my own torso whilst the other one lays loosely just below his chest.

''Brielle.'' He's whispering again once I begin to stir and the second thing I notice is how one of his hands is attempting to move my hair out of my face to give me a good chance of actually seeing.

''Hm?'' I hum as I sit up and his eyes follow mine as I now move my own hair out of my face.

''Your phone is ringing.'' He tells me and being too distracted by.. him, I finally clock onto the fact that my phone is in fact ringing. It must've been ringing for some time now, so quickly, I rush to find it on the couch. It's of course shuffled to the most random of places through the night, and that place happens to be stuffed between the two back-cushions of the sofa.

''I'll be one second.'' I tell him as I pluck my phone out of the cushions. He nods and with that, I quickly answer the phone whilst I make my way to leave the living room.

''Brielle?'' My Mum's voice is echoing through the speaker and still, I'm half asleep, so I try to make sense out of what is actually going on.

''Hi, Mum.'' I respond when I finally get out of the living room. Any other time, I'd just stay on the phone with Alex there, but there's a good chance she's got some news.

''Hi, Love.'' She answers. ''I'm just calling you to let you know that me and Penny have just set off from your Aunty Lisa's, so we should be about an hour or two.'' She tells me but there's only one thing I can think about.

''Alright.'' I nod even though she can't see me. ''How did the call go?'' I ask but my question is only followed by silence.

I know it's bad news, I can tell by the way there's just pure silence.

''I'm so sorry, Darling.'' She sighs and my lips fold together in silence. ''I tried everything, Bri. I didn't want to tell you over the phone.''

''It's alright.'' I lie. It's not alright at all, but it isn't my Mum's fault and it'd only make her disappointed if I did tell her how I really feel about this.

Truth is, I'm terrified. I've never had a massive change before. I've always lived here, I've always had the same friends and environment. To say that I won't be with Matt is even more terrifying, we don't have the best of relationships but I've never been away from Matt and the thought alone terrifies me.

''Anyway, I'll talk to you about it properly when I'm back, Love. It'll make more sense when I talk to you properly.'' She says.

''Yeah, alright.. I'll see you later.''

''I'll see you soon.'' She responds and with that, she's ending the call.

I take a few moments to actually think about what's just been confirmed. In the next few weeks, I'll be heading off to Liverpool which, of course, isn't extremely far away but it's not an ideal distance. I'll only be allowed to come back to Sheffield every so often and even then, it'll only be for a weekend, I'm assuming.

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