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Three Months Later..

trigger warning- small mentions of miscarriage!

Alex Turner

''Alex!'' My name is being called through the lobby of my apartment block and I navigate my eyes to the voice that welcomes me every time I happen to step off of the lift. 

''Irene.'' I smirk once I'm finding her, sat in her usual designated couch spot just by the front window of the building. 

''Get over here, you.'' She nods her head for me to approach and, definitely not because I'm absolutely terrified of the woman, I do as she says and I approach her immediately. 

''Closer.'' She pulls her index finger back and forth in an instructing manner. I step forward so that I'm right in front of her and in this moment, I feel like I'm back in school and about to get a telling off from the headteacher. 

''Closer.'' She repeats with a sigh and for a second, I frown, but I'm snapping into action when Irene's eyebrows raise. 

I lean down so that I'm face to face with Irene, who sits back in her chair. She wafts her hand for me to come even closer, as though she's about to tell me a secret. 

''I've got something to give you.'' She whispers in a suspiciously secretive tone and for a second, I nod for her to continue. 

However, I'm pulling back with a jump when I'm both feeling and hearing a fucking flick against my ear. 

''It's one of those!'' She exclaims.

My hand comes up to hold my ear as my jaw drops in pure, and completely true, disbelief. 

Did I just willingly walk myself into a flick from Irene?

The elderly lobby Irene?

''What was that?'' I ask as I bring my hand down from my, now, very hot ear. 

''For not telling me you proposed to Brielle!'' She scolds me like a true Grandma and my mouth drops open. 

''I thought she told you!'' I say my fair excuse and Irene tightens her lips in a headshake. She doesn't miss the scoff that leaves my mouth at her disapproval. 

''Funny, she said the exact same thing.'' She huffs. 

''Irene, you're the bloody bane of my existence.'' I joke with a sigh whilst realistically, I'm wanting to put a bag of ice to the skin of my ear. I'm getting vivid flashbacks to when my Mum and Dad coaxed me into getting one of my ears pierced when I was eight. 

''I could say the same thing, son.'' She shrugs her shoulders when I'm removing myself from her proximity. 

''You know, I was gonna' be kind today and give you this but it's not happening now.'' I tell her before grabbing a specific CD from pocket of my leather jacket. This jacket is well on its way out at this point, the fabric insides of my pockets are beginning to get holes in the corner of them. However, I don't have the heart to replace it just yet. 

I got this jacket a few days before I met Bri in Liverpool. 

''Is that the album?'' I'm smirking when Irene gives into my intentions of getting her to take me seriously for once. 

''I don't know...'' I frown with a pause. ''Is it?'' I ask teasingly and at that, Irene is sitting up and crossing her arms. 

''If you don't give me that bloody disk, I'll tell Gerard you've got weed in your apartment.'' Irene rightfully threats and I laugh at her threat. 

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