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I don't bother shoving my coat on considering I'm only having to duck under the metal-pole fence to get to Alex's door.

It takes four knocks for me to grow wary of why Alex isn't actually opening the door, so quickly, I take a step back away from the house so I can look at the top window. Alex has the same room that I have in our identical houses so I know that if the light of the front room upstairs is on, he's in his bedroom.

Non-surprisingly, his light is of course on, so I return to the door with one more knock. However, before my cold hand is coming in contact with the glazed window of his door, it's swinging open.

I feel the warmth from his house splash onto my face for just a second before the cold overpowers it as I stare at Alex, who stands at the door with wet hair, a black hoodie and some plaid pyjama bottoms. My Mum got Alex those pyjamas for Christmas this year and my heart warms at the fact that he's wearing them.

''We're waiting on you! Everyone's there.'' I tell him and although my stomach is almost aching with how nervous I am, I play it off.

''I had to wash my hair, my Mum ruffled my hair whilst her hand was full of flour from baking before she left this morning.'' He sighs as he recalls the story before nodding for me to come in, so I do. He shuts the door behind me before again, nodding for me to head upstairs.

I have to remind myself that I've been up these very stairs hundreds of times before, but that stomach ache only grows when I make myself into his bedroom.

''Did Matt get drinks?'' Alex asks whilst he follows me into his own room and I sit myself onto his bed.

Just like my bedroom, his bed is against the far wall whilst his desk is right next to the door, against the same wall the door is on. Our rooms are so tiny that we have to fit our furniture in the same position otherwise it won't fit.

''Yeah! I don't think I'll drink tonight though.'' I tell him, watching as he leans against his desk to face me. He brings the hairdryer to his head before switching it on.

''How come?'' He frowns with his voice loud to overpower the hairdryer.

''I'm not really in the mood, I hate being sick and I don't want to wake up throwing up in the morning.'' I tell him and he nods before continuing with his hair. We sit in silence as he finishes off his hair, which doesn't take longer than three minutes.

Oh to be a boy and have it take three minutes to dry my hair.

''What's everyone else wearing?'' Alex asks whilst he unplugs the dryer and wraps it all up.
For a few seconds, I try to recall what everyone else is wearing.

''Jamie's got like... Jeans and a white top and then a Stone Island jacket, I think?'' I tell him before continuing to think about what Jamie and Matt are wearing. ''Matt's got jeans on and a black jumper and Nick's just got black jeans and a grey jumper on.''

Alex hums as he thinks.

''So if you're looking for fashion-inspo, it's pretty much just jeans and a top.'' I say pretty obviously and he smirks with a shake of the head.

''Right, I'll be a few minutes then.'' He tells me before hurrying out of the room to, I'm assuming, his wardrobe. We don't even have wardrobes in our rooms, mine is in Mum's and if I'm right in assuming, Alex's is in his Dad's music room.

Again, I'm left in silence as I sit in Alex's bedroom alone. There's nothing to it much, except from a few posters here and there. I notice a Strokes poster hung just above his light switch near the door. It isn't a large poster and I don't really recognize the band, though I have heard a bit about them debuting and hitting the charts this summer.

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