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I haven't slept. 

It's 5:41am, and I'd love to say that my lack of sleep was down to jet-lag, but it's not. 

It's down to the man whose chest my head is currently laid on. 

He drifted off to sleep about an hour ago, finally giving in to his exhaustion after forcing himself to stay awake until I went to sleep. 

The emotion I'm currently feeling is indescribable. It's like a mix of all emotions; regret, relief, dread, happiness, fear. I don't entirely regret what happened, but how it happened. I'm dreading what is going to happen between the two of us when Alex wakes up. I'm in fear of him distancing himself again. What is Matt going to think? 

I swear my mind could quite possibly combust with the amount of thoughts flying through it at the moment. 

A rhythmic alarm going off is what thankfully breaks me from my chaotic thoughts, having me looking at the clock. 

It's 7am already?

Within seconds of the alarm blaring through the silent room, Alex begins to stir in his sleep, tightening his arm around my shoulder whilst reaching up to run his fingers through my incredibly knotty hair. That gesture alone has me tensing up, trying my best to block out the shockwaves his touch sends through my skin. 

''Is it time to wake up already?'' Alex's deep voice mumbles as his cheek falls above my head.

''Unfortunately so.'' I nod as I adjust myself to lay on my side, looking up at him. His lips are still puffy from the hours they spent against mine just 3 hours ago, but I can't judge because mine probably look the same, if not, worse.

He turns his head down to me, smiling when he first catches sight of me. Instead of saying anything else, he places his hand behind my back, encouraging me to move closer to him. I do as his touch tells me to, moving to swing one of my legs over his hips before cuddling myself into him. One of his arms come to rest just above my hips, with the other one reaching up to thread through my hair. 

We shouldn't be doing this at all, I should've left last night. 

Before any doubtful thoughts can begin to cross my mind, it's almost like Alex can sense my upcoming hesitance, so he begins to press gentle kisses into my hair. It doesn't take long for his hands to move and his lips to swap from my head to my lips.

''Alex.'' I break my lips from his momentarily, but I don't get very far when he just pushes his lips back into mine, slowly shuffling up the bed so he's sitting upright against the head board, carrying me along with him. 

''Hm?'' He hums into my mouth, tugging at my hair with just the right amount of force to have a gasp leave my mouth.

''We really shouldn't do this again.'' I pull away again, to which Alex just switches his lips from my mouth to the tense skin of my neck, reminding me even more of our moment hours ago. 

''I know.'' He agrees, yet he still continues further.. that is until a bang from the other side of the wall pulls us from the trance both of us are stuck in. Each of us stay silent for seconds, listening for anything else, but when the bang is followed by silence, Alex shakes it off and continues his assault on my neck. 

Moments after, a shout pulls Alex away from my neck, obviously grabbing our attention. 

''Was that Breana shouting?'' Alex's brows furrow as I lean back to look at him.

''I think so..'' I nod and listen for anything else. Panic kicks in when I hear another shout, which immediately has me pulling away from Alex and grabbing my pyjamas that had been thrown to the floor hours ago.

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