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The Day Before The Breakup

Alex Turner

''So, what inspired the album?'' Megan asks as she sits in front of us in a red, velvet armchair. Her long, falsely tanned legs are crossed over in a shitty attempt of what I think to be seduction. 

With all of us sitting on this long, mustard couch that's angled towards the main camera at the front of the room as well as slightly towards Megan, the boys all look towards me so that I can answer the question. My cheeks slightly redden under the gaze of the audience who silently sit behind the camera crew but I soon gather myself.

Of course, I internally groan to myself before I unwillingly put on an incredibly fake front of politeness for the sake of the boys and the audience.

''Well, it was a lot of things, really.'' I shrug out of honesty, my arm coming up to rest against the cushioned arm of the sofa whilst my hand comes to rest beneath my chin in thought. ''Some of it was actually written straight after we finished touring the US for our Suck It And See tour so I suppose you could say that we took some inspiration from travelling.'' I blatantly lie. We all know what inspired the album- more so who inspired the album and all the other albums before that. 

''Interesting...'' She nods politely- a complete contrast to her manners when she's out of the public eye. ''A fan favourite right now seems to be Arabella and one of the huge questions remains..'' She looks into the crowd as if she's questioning whether the audience are onto whatever she's about to ask. As expected, a red light on the ceiling just above the cameras begins to flash, indicating for the audience to begin to clap and cheer- which they do.

''Who is Arabella?'' She asks upon the cheers that soon get louder as soon as she asks the question that everyone's apparently been wondering. It's sad to think that this audience are all under the impression that they're watching and paying to see a genuinely polite host, when in reality they're paying to see a monster. In all honesty, it's easy to speak to Megan when she acts like this. It's like she can swap personas within seconds, and that's a scary thought.

Again, the boys all look to me to answer. 

''Arabella is whoever you want her to be.'' I respond. Again, we all know who Arabella is, but Megan wants to know more judging by the way her head tilts in questioning. 

I feel like rolling my eyes when I realize this means that I'm going to have to come up with some sort of lie to conceal who Arabella is really about. If I could, I'd tell everyone straight up that the majority of my songs are about Brielle, but I know she'd hate that type of attention. 

''I write my songs for you all to interpret them in whatever way you'd like; whatever way you relate to them. If you think of Arabella as a person, that's fine. If you think of Arabella as a mood.. as a situation.. whatever, anything you think of as Arabella then you're right. There's no right or wrong answer as to who or what Arabella is.'' I somewhat tell the truth. I write these lyrics for anyone else to interpret them in whatever way they'd like, and in my way, Arabella is Brielle. 

''Who or what is Arabella to you, then?'' Megan pushes it as she readjusts the few pieces of card in her hands, shuffling them into a neat pile in her hands. I would very much like to swear at her right now, but I've been strictly told by Matt that he'll stab me with his drum sticks if I swear on live-air. 

''If I tell you then the song wouldn't be everyone else's interpretation, it would be my own.'' I reject her question subtly as I readjust the small microphone that's clipped onto my suit shirt. 

''Alright, alright.'' Megan enthusiastically sighs in defeat before her head glances down to look at the card in her hands. 

''Unfortunately, our time with the Arctic Monkeys is coming to an end.'' Again, Megan looks out into the crowd, and now, a blue light is flickering from the ceiling, followed by a chorus of 'Awe's and 'Boo's. ''So, we'll finish with one last question.. Although the album has only been out for a few months, are there any plans for a seventh album?'' 

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