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''It took me a good four hours to pack the other day.'' Katie tells me as she stands next to me in Alex's bedroom. I'm routing through the limited amount of clothing that I've managed to bring from my apartment to Alex's over the past few months. I practically live with him at this point, though I do go back to Liverpool every few weeks to check up on everything. However, even then, Alex mostly comes back to Liverpool with me, unless he's busy with work.

Katie and I are going through the pile of clothes on Alex's bed. She's folding and I'm trying my best to fit them into the suitcase.

''That's ridiculous.'' Alex shakes his head from the corner of the room, where he sits in an armchair with Bowie in his lap.

''What's ridiculous is that your bestfriend can't pack a suitcase without my help.'' Katie retorts and Alex shakes his head with a smirk.

''I can't say anything, Alex has to do a check of my bags every time we go somewhere.'' I tell Katie but my cheeks are heating when she's specifically placing herself at an angle where Alex can't see her front before holding up a white lace lingerie bodysuit with a silent, over exaggerated, 'Oh my god!'.

''That's because every time, without fail, she forgets something.'' Alex adds from the distance whilst I quickly rip the lingerie away from Katie with red cheeks, folding it myself instead.

''She's definitely remembered one thing, that's for sure.'' Katie smirks and now, my ears even manage to go hot with the way heat is rising up my face.

''What's that?'' Alex asks mindlessly whilst he turns Bowie around when Bowie begins to get restless, positioning him so that he's leaning against Alex whilst also being able to watch Katie and I.

''Nothing, ignore her.'' My breath comes out as shaky and all it does is have Katie giggling to herself. It amazes me that I still get embarrassed over these sort of things with the both of them.

''Have you got your bridesmaid dress?'' Katie finishes folding the last item of clothing before asking the most important question.

''Yeah, it's hung up in the wardrobe.'' I tell her and with that, she takes herself off over to the large wardrobe. ''It's in the black suit bag.''

It doesn't take long for Katie to route through the closet to find the huge bag that I've been protecting with my whole life for the past two weeks.

''I'm so jealous they're already getting married. Jamie needs to get a move on, we got engaged before them and we haven't even remotely started planning yet.'' Katie sighs with a shake of the head whilst she walks with the dress held in the air, careful not to catch it against any furniture or the floor.

Sometimes I forget that Jamie and Katie are even engaged. The majority of the time, they already act like a married couple anyway.

''He is lazy sometimes.'' Alex says as he watches her cross the room before reaching the bed to lay the suit bag across it.

''Bloody tell me about it.'' Katie huffs a laugh. ''As we speak, he's at home throwing up because he went out for a 'few' last night. It wasn't a bloody few, he came back absolutely legless.'' She shakes her head disapprovingly before a ringtone is sounding from next to the bedroom door. The sound is coming from Katie's handbag that she's rested on the floor next to the oak door, so quickly, Katie hurries over to the ringing phone. ''Here you go, this is him now. I'll be one second, he's probably crying that he's throwing up or something.'' Katie sighs before quickly removing herself from the room.

''I'm pretty much packed now, I think.'' I tell Alex and without saying a word, he stands up with Bowie.

''Have you forgotten anything?'' He asks when he reaches me and the question has me second guessing whether or not I have actually forgotten something.

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