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''I look fucking ridiculous.'' I groan as I stare at myself in the mirror.

I've been dragged into a group costume with Katie, Kelly and Breana for Halloween.

I stare into the mirror, my eyes trailing up and down the short, incredibly skimpy yellow dress that clings to my body in all of the wrong places before they trail up to the cheap, flimsy, silver tiara that's stuck tightly into my brown, curled hair. My legs are covered in almost see through, cheap socks that reach the middles of my thighs.

I'm supposed to be princess Belle.

A fucking children's character.

I have no complaints about it being skimpy, that's my prime quality if I do say so myself, but we're going to a pub.

''No, you look sexy.'' Katie responds as she walks past with nothing on but the bottom half of her outfit and the bra that is soon to be covered with the rest of her costume. I gasp and cover my ass when her hand is coming out to whack it, quite hard I must say.

''I second that.'' Breana nods mindlessly as she bends over in front of the small mirror of hers, her lips in that awkward 'O' position that we all do when we're putting lipstick on. She doesn't even bat an eyelid towards the fact that my ass is probably bright red underneath my skirt right now, and neither does Kelly. I hear Katie giggling to herself.

''I third that.'' Kelly adds on as she budges me over a bit to look at herself in the mirror. Her hands smooth down the extremely short, yellow skirt that meets a shiny, blue crop top at her waist. On her legs rests a pair of long, white socks that are adorned with red heels on her feet. The red heels compliments her red lipstick and the red hairbow that has planted itself onto the top of her head.

I applaud her for wearing heels when she's ten weeks pregnant, I can't even wear heels not pregnant. I also applaud her for looking so much like Snow White.

''This is the last time I'm dressing up.'' I smirk before finally finalizing my opinion of 'I hate it, but it'll do.' on my outfit. I sit myself on the side of the bath as I watch everyone else.

Katie is now shuffling the top to her outfit on. She wears a glittery, short, pink dress with princess-like white folds that decorate the off-the-shoulder neckline of the dress. Her legs are bare but the stunning, gem stoned' heels make up for it with the way they gleam like the tiara on her head.

She actually does look quite similar to Sleeping Beauty.

''Done!'' Breana announces once she's finished her lipstick.

She turns around and my jaw drops.

She wears a baby blue dress that flares on the arms. Just above her risen belly, a glittery, thick, white band wraps around her torso. Her hair is in a slick back bun and is decorated with a matching blue headband. To top it all off, she has old fashioned, white gloves trailing up her arms.

She's going as Cinderella, but she looks like Hippy Cinderella just stepped out of the 70s, and I fucking love it.

Not to mention, she's literally popped overnight and she fucking bodies the pregnancy look.

''What?'' She asks since my jaw hasn't yet managed to shut itself.

''I just realized that all of you are MILFs.'' I tell them honestly and they all stiffle muted laughs.

''It's you next, babe.'' Kelly pats me on the back reassuringly and I instantly shake my head.

''Absolutely bloody not.'' I shake my head before standing up from the bath. I almost lose balance thanks to the fucking ridiculous height of my yellow stilettos.

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