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''Chop Chop, Lads! We've gotta' be on the road in five!'' Colin claps twice as he runs around the hotel lobby. Breana and I have been sat on the visitor's couch for the past 20 minutes waiting for the boys to be ready, watching as they stress over what song to cover at their BBC live lounge interview.

''Oh, piss off Colin!'' Jamie groans as he stands between Matt and Alex, who are currently arguing over what song they should sing as their cover. 

''I'm telling you now, Al, the fans would prefer to hear Tame Impala.'' Matt sighs out of frustration as he stands in front of the couch Breana and I are sat on. Alex is stood in front of him as Miles, Jamie and Nick all stand by the lobby door, obviously being over the disagreement. 

''We can make a deal, we sing Hold On We're Going Home today and the next time we do a cover, we do Tame Impala.'' Alex compromises with a shrug, watching Matt intently to see what he thinks.

Matt just stays silent before turning to Breana and I. 

''What do yous' think?'' He asks and my eyes widen. 

''Erm.. I have no idea? Both would sound good.'' I respond. There's no way I'm getting involved in this.

''For god sakes, that's no help.'' Matt huffs before turning to Breana.

''Jesus, Matt. Just do Drake, it's only a bloody song.'' Breana sighs and Alex instantly chips in, throwing a competitive ''Ha!'' at Matt. 

''Now let's go, Colin's going to kill you all for being late.'' Breana stands from the couch before approaching Jamie, Nick and Miles at the door of the lobby. We all follow her and exit the hotel, making our way to the same mini-van that picked us up from the airport. From what I've been told, after the second show, there will be no more hotels and we will be staying in tour buses. 

The rest of the day drags, we made it to the BBC lounge and watched the boys record their song before they answered a few questions. I didn't even know there was a BBC in America, but I was proven wrong. 

After the BBC interview, Miles insisted that we all went out to eat, so we found a nearby restaurant to stop at. The food wasn't too bad, but all of us where past the point of exhaustion due to our jet-lag, so instead of heading out to a bar after the restaurant, we returned to the hotel and instead all gathered in Alex's hotel room to watch a film and have some food. 

So now, I'm currently sat on Alex's huge couch waiting for the boys to pick a film. Funnily, Breana and I turned up wearing almost identical pyjama sets. The look on her face when she opened the door to me wearing the same beige pyjama pants as her, along with the same long sleeved top, with mine being white and hers being black, was priceless. Matt and Jamie each slated us for it for atleast 15 minutes until they finally got bored and forced Alex to pick a film.

''We should watch Captain America!'' Jamie tells Alex as they look through the selection of films that have been left by the hotel staff. 

''I vote for Blade Runner.'' Alex chips in as he stands next to the cabinet beneath the TV. 

''Oh, I've never watched Blade Runner.'' I add, and Alex snaps his head to me with a look of disgust, as though I've just murdered a person in front of him.

''What do you mean you've never seen Blade Runner!?'' Alex instantly gasps in shock. 

''Is it something I should've watched?'' I ask hesitantly.

'' Pffft, 'Should've watched' my ass, it's not a 'should' it's a need to watch!'' He scolds me with a head shake before turning back around and picking the DVD up before pushing it into the DVD player.

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