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''Everyone, this is Katie.'' Jamie introduces us to his new girlfriend. ''Katie, this is Alex, Brielle, Matt, Breana, and Miles. You already know Nick.'' He continues, introducing his girlfriend to us as he points around the table.

''And this is Kelly.'' Nick simply introduces his new girlfriend too.

We're all currently sat at a pub in Chicago, celebrating the show that the boys have just finished. Since we all finally overcame the torturing jet-lag, going to a nearby pub, or bar as the Americans say, has become part of our routine. Even though the boys are usually tired, they all insist on taking advantage of new pubs around, so they battle on and still manage to come out. Tonight, Jamie and Nick have both introduced us to their girlfriends.

I've heard a lot about Katie and Kelly and from what I've heard, I can tell that they're nice. I've been told by Breana that Nick and Jamie met them a few months ago and for weeks, the group thought that perhaps Katie and Kelly were made up figures.

Jamie and Nick proved the group wrong when they surprised us with a visit from their very real girlfriends tonight.

''Bloody hell, so you are real? I was starting to think you pretty ladies weren't real.'' Miles charmingly stands with a hand held out, but his position falters when Jamie whacks him in the stomach in return of the pretty ladies comment. Or maybe it was the fact he subtly insulted the boys, either one is valid.

''Just ignore him.'' Nick rolls his eyes as he guides Kelly into the booth we're all sat at. It doesn't take long at all for Kelly and Katie to each fit in with us, in fact, they fit in with us at the very start when they immediately teased Miles.

''Do you want another drink?'' Alex nudges me slightly from beside me, grabbing my attention.

''Yes please.'' I nod with a thankful smile to which he returns before shuffling out of the booth and heading to the bar.

Things have been calm between Alex and I recently. It's been almost a week since our last.. meet up, if you could call it that. After the night of Matt and Breana's proposal, each of us distanced away from each other. It wasn't awkward but there was definitely a tense atmosphere present between us and it just wouldn't shift, but it's bearable.

''Here.'' Alex returns quite quickly with my usual drink, knowing it off by heart by now.

''Thankyou.'' I smile and catch it when he slides it to me whilst he slips back into the booth, returning right next to me. In return, I slide a five dollar bill across to Alex. He looks down at the paper confusingly before turning to look at me.

''The money for the drink.'' I push it closer to him and he just shakes his head in rejection, putting his hand over mine so he can slide it back to me.

I don't detest, knowing that he's way too stubborn to let me pay.

I'll find another way.

The night moves swiftly on, switching in and out of different conversations until it's time to begin sorting transportation plans to get back to the hotel.

''Right, I've been on the phone to the taxi. They only have 6 seat cars available, all of their mini-buses are booked for the night.'' Matt sighs when he returns to our table after heading outside to get service for his phone.

''Well, Alex brought Colin's rental car. Someone can get in that with him.'' Jamie shrugs, and as soon as he mentions someone getting in with Alex, the whole table turns to look at me. Even Katie and Kelly.

''Oh yeah, let's just assume Brielle will go.'' I nod sarcastically, already knowing that this is a fight I'm likely going to lose.

''Do you want me to come with you?'' Katie is the first one to ask and it instantly makes my heart swell.

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