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New Years Eve

''Why is wedding planning so stressful?'' Breana asks with a sigh as she plonks herself down onto Alex's couch, holding her open laptop to her chest before laying it on her lap once she's sat.

''I couldn't tell you.'' I respond distractedly as I make up the 'make it yourself' New Years prop glasses.

Surprisingly, they're fucking hard to make and the fact that my fingers are aching from the other ten pairs I've put together in the last house doesn't make it any easier.

''We've got you as the photographer, Katie as our makeup artist, Kelly doing hair and makeup, Bowie as the ring kid...'' She lists off as she taps a black pen against her chin in wonder. ''What else do we need?'' She asks.

''Err..'' I hum as I sit on the floor, my back leaning against the sofa. ''Have you looked into a chef?'' I ask.

''We're just gonna' order pizza to our venue.'' She shrugs and I smile at the idea.

''Why am I not surprised?'' I smirk as I finally finish doing up the last pair of glasses for the party I for some reason talked Alex into hosting for New Years.

''I'm done for today, It's too bloody stressful.'' Breana snaps the laptop shut and soon enough, she's sliding off of the couch to sit next to me on the floor, obviously slowly in caution of her massive bump.

''I'm surprised Alex is letting you have a party.'' She sighs once she's gotten herself comfy, holding her hand over her stomach. ''He's a miserable sod.''

I nudge her in the arm with a roll of the eye at her insult.

''What?'' She drags out with a whine. ''He is miserable, you have to admit!'' She smirks.

''You're so mean to him sometimes.'' I shake my head but smile nonetheless as I direct my gaze to the unmade decorations that are scattered on the floor in front of us.

''What? You getting defensive over your boyfriend?'' She teases me about Alex being my boyfriend and I have to conceal the smile that threatens to lift my lips.

I haven't told her about Alex and I actually being together just yet. Not intentionally, of course, I just find humour in listening to her tease me about a possibility that's already come true.

''No.'' I deny with a smirk as I grab the packet of golden letters that spell out 'Happy New Year' on a banner.

''The day you two get together again is the day I'll officially feel at peace.'' She sighs as she tries her best to lean forward to grab the packet of balloons in front of us, but she struggles with the obstacle of her stomach.

''That would be Christmas then.'' I tell her in preparation of either a loud scream, a slap on the arm or an hours long lecture about how I never tell her anything whilst I lean forward to pass her the balloons that she struggled to get.

I don't look at her as I place the pack in her still hand, but I do know that she is dead still with her mouth agape.

''What.'' Her voice is barely audible as I snicker to myself with a laugh as I tear open the plastic package.

''Alex asked me on Christmas after you all left.'' I tell her with a beaming smile on my face, though she doesn't see it because I'm looking down at the banner in my hands.

''I don't believe you.'' Breana shakes her head as she relaxes herself, tearing open the packet of balloons.

''Alright.'' I shrug whilst I lay the letters out in the order they're meant to be in.

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