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Brielle Helders

''Brielle!'' He shouts and my stiff body instantly stills. 

Quite honestly, my heart is pounding. 

I've just said what I've been thinking for months to the man that hurt me most.

I can feel that my cheeks are red, I can feel that my palms are sweaty and I can most definitely feel that my legs are pretty much jelly. 

''Brielle!'' He repeats when I don't respond. 

I stand in the living room in silence, listening in to the footsteps that gradually get louder and louder.

''What?'' I turn around when the footsteps come to an ultimate standstill, indicating that he's found me. 

''I-'' He stops himself as he looks at me from the other side of the room with those striking brown eyes of his.

We stand in absolute silence as I wait for him to spit out whatever he has to say. 

''What, Alex?'' I sigh as he watches me promptly, his eyes seeming to be scanning my entire face in question. 

Again, we stand in silence. 

I soon grow tired of the long-lived silence. I shake my head before speaking, ''I'll see you soon, Alex.'' 

Straight after, I turn back so that I can go to my bedroom to hopefully get some sleep, but what disrupts the silence has me stopping dead still in my tracks. 

''I didn't cheat on you.'' His words are clear but I'm convinced I don't hear them right as I stand in one spot, trying my best to make sense of the sentence that feels so foreign to my ringing ears. 

''What?'' Is all I'm able to say as I refrain from turning around. 

''I never cheated, Bri.'' He repeats and it's enough to have me slowly turning around in my place. He hasn't moved a single inch. He stands straight with his hands by his side. 

I don't believe him. I don't believe him for one second. 

''Don't be stupid, Alex.'' I shake my head. 

''Brielle, I swear on your life and mine, I did not cheat on you. It was a stunt- it is a stunt.'' He corrects himself and I stand with deep confusion. 

My heart is beating ecstatically as he stands meters away from me. 

''What do you mean?'' My words slip out of my mouth. 

''Luke wanted to press charges against us for damage of property and Colin threatened that if I didn't 'date' Megan publicly, he'd let Luke press charges.'' He explains with disappointment and shame laced into his voice. 

Hot tears are threatening to spill over my stinging waterline at the thought that I've been separated from the man I love for months over something that isn't even real- something that I had no idea of- something that I've suffered tremendously trying to wrap my head around over. 

''Are you being serious?'' 

I'm not really sure how to feel at all at this information. Of course, I'm relieved but that other factors outweigh that. I've been lied to this whole time. I've been in a toxic relationship as a way to get over Alex, which later costed me my job. 

''I am.'' He confirms and whatever weird emotions I'm feeling get the better of me. 

''Why?'' I spit out through the tears that are now freely falling. ''Alex, why would you agree to that?''

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