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''You're all packed?'' I ask Alex as I walk through the door of his flat, watching as his zips his suitcase closed. 

''Yeah, finally.'' He nods and before I can make it fully through the doorway, he's removing his hands from his suitcase and walking towards me, pulling me forward by my hips. As soon as his fingers are even grazing across my clothed skin, I'm getting shivers through my back. 

He nudges my head to the side with his nose before placing a gentle kiss on the temple of my head, a red tint creeping up my cheeks at the contact. 

Alex is currently packing for a flight back to the US. As soon as he got back from America, he got a phone call from his agency telling him that him and the boys had been nominated for an award. Although they where over the moon, they're annoyed that they're having to repeat the trip back to America. And in Alex's case, he's made sure that I know that he's not only annoyed about having to repeat the trip, but annoyed that I'm not able to come along. 

As much as I'd love to come and be their biggest cheerleader, I need to stay back in England so that I can start looking for a job again. Luckily, Breana is also staying in England, not wanting to go through the hassle of heading back out to the US again. 

So that's why for the week since we've gotten back to Sheffield, Alex and I have been staying in his flat. It was the first house he ever bought, which is why he hasn't sold it just yet, but he says it's useful for when he's staying in Sheffield and wants to stay out of his Mums way. 

For now, we're making the most of the time we have left together. Because of the boys' busy schedule, there's a chance that when they're in America, they could get agency calls for interviews over there, so they can't exactly set a date for when they might return, which is why we've spent our time cooped up in this flat together. 

''I think Breana and I are gonna' go back to Liverpool for a bit, whilst you're all away.'' I explain and pull back from Alex, heading over to the corner of the room to begin tidying the scattered clothes on the end of the bed. 

''Are you going to come back to Sheffield when we're all back?'' He asks, following me to the corner of the room. As he's speaking, he picks the suitcase up from the bed and places it down onto the floor, sitting himself where the suitcase once was. 

''It depends if I get a job.'' I shrug, placing the now folded clothes onto the desk next to the bed. 

''A job?'' He questions, watching me as I walk around the room. 

''Yeah.. one of those things people get to earn money, you know?'' I smirk, proud of my own joke. Alex rolls his eyes with a quiet mumble of 'prick' under his breath before he continues on. 

''Why don't you go into photography?'' He kicks his feet up onto the bed, shuffling himself back until he hits the wall. 

''There's not really any money in it.'' I shake my head, although I would adore to do photography. It's always been something I've thoroughly enjoyed throughout the years, and I had the time of my life doing photography on tour. I just can't afford to pick up a job that is financially unpredictable. 

''Brielle, you don't need to worry about money. You have a brother and bestfriends who would rather die than let you suffer financially.'' Alex sits up at my uncertainty. 

''I know but I can't rely on people around me, Al.. I'll probably still pick photography up as a hobby, but I need a reliable job.'' I smile at how much he cares, putting down the second pile of clothes I'm washing so that I can instead focus on him. 

''You need to do something you'll enjoy.'' He says sternly and as I approach him, he shuffles himself forward.

''I will, don't worry.'' I smirk once more at his caring manners. When I'm in front of him, I can't help but reach my hand up to touch his stubbled skin. He smiles at my touch, and I try my absolute best to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. He places his hand above my own, and before I can stop myself, I lean down to finally connect my lips to his. It's something I've been resisting all morning, knowing full well that once we start, we won't stop. 

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