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Brielle Helders

This morning is the last morning I spend as an unmarried woman. 

Today is my wedding day. 

Conveniently enough, today marks three years since Alex and I 'reunited'. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly when Alex and I got together, but we all know it started on that day in Liverpool. 

On top of that, today is the release of Everything You've Come to Expect. 

We'd definitely never planned for today, 16/6/16, to be such a hectic day, but somehow it's built up to become just that. 

If the day alone wasn't hectic enough, my past weekend has been the most hectic of them all. Over the course of a day, I've ended up in Italy. 

As soon as Alex and I rather impulsively decided that we wanted to wait no longer to get married, Alex drove us back home and we started packing and telling everyone that we would be getting married within forty eight hours. 

Breana came over straight away, leaving Matt at home with Bonnie, so that she could help us out with planning. 

It started with us looking at local venues until Breana irresponsibly mentioned that her aunty's new husband was Italian and that she was sure that his family owned an Airbnb service. 

Obviously, that set me on a rundown of looking through hundreds of different venues to get married in, in Italy. However, funnily enough, most venues don't take wedding bookings two days before the actual wedding. Actually, they don't happen to take wedding bookings two months in advance. 

The night ended with me completely stressing over the fact that we were very much not ready to get married, venue wise. Obviously, I would've married this man three years ago if we'd have put a bit of planning into it. 

Thankfully, after getting in touch with Breana's new uncle, we ran into major luck thanks to the fact that a couple recently had to cancel their hotel apartment because something unexpected had come up. Luckily enough for us, her Breana's new uncle had asked his family whether or not they'd be willing to host a small wedding in such short notice and they told him that they'd be more than willing. 

Quite honestly, I don't understand how we've landed with such luck, but that luck is the same luck that has me standing here, waiting for Katie to finish my makeup as I get ready to marry the love of my life. 

I'm marrying Alex.

I still can't even believe it. 

''I can't believe you shouted at me for giving two months warning for my wedding and you didn't even give us all two days.'' As though Breana is in the same state of disbelief as myself, she speaks out whilst walking in with Bonnie fast asleep in her arms. 

Bonnie is my flower girl and I literally cannot get over how cute she looks. 

''I can't believe that you're getting married before Jamie and I.'' Katie voices her 'disbelief' and I smile before wincing at the way I feel her poke a pin into my head. She's currently going in between doing my makeup and my hair. 

''I just can't believe.'' Kelly shrugs from where she stands in the corner with rollers in her hair as she bounces Hendrix in her arm, trying with all her might to get him back to sleep. 

''Nice one.'' I nod with a toothy smirk and Kelly laughs at my response. 

If we're adding onto the train of disbelief, I can't believe how pretty all of the girls look. Thanks to my lack of a plan, the girls had to make do with any dresses they could get ahold of and surprisingly, they all managed to pull together a plan of each wearing satin dresses. I gave Breana the dress that I wore to her wedding since she didn't have any satin dresses already. 

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