The Elizabethan theatre was the most important cultural phenomenon in Renaissance England because it celebrated the kings and queens of England, but it was also an entertainment seen by great nobles.
At first, the companies performed in the courtyards of London inns but when public performances were banned by the city government new outdoor public playhouses were born and prices varied.
Drama is a theatrical show, consisting of a group of people doing things and another group watching, which causes great tension for:
a) a sense of loss and fear
b) a sense of joy.
So unlike Italian, the English word "drama" means any theatrical show, both tragic and comical.

~Appunti scolastici~
RandomIn questo libro troverete, divisi per materia, tutti i riassunti e gli appunti che ho collezionato in questi anni. Si tratta di argomenti che spaziano molto, partendo dalle medie fino ad arrivare alla quarta superiore, inoltre il libro è in continuo...