After Cromwells death, the monarchy was restored and, Charles Is son became King Charles II of England.
In 1661 the Convention Parliament was replaced by the royalist Cavalier Parliament which passed vengeful legislations against puritan nonconformists.
During the reign of Charles II London was struck by two great calamities: the plague of 1665 which caused the death of about 100,000 people and, the Great Fire of 1666 that destroyed much of London, then rebuilt thanks to which the urban landscape changed considerably. After the reconstruction of the city, fear of the king's interest in the Catholic Church led Parliament to force the king to accept an act that prevented any Catholic from holding public office (Test Act) and led to the formation of the first British parties: the Whigs and the Tories.
The Tories, composed by landed gentry, supported the king, while the Whigs supported the power of parliament and were mainly supported by the urban middle classes.

~Appunti scolastici~
SonstigesIn questo libro troverete, divisi per materia, tutti i riassunti e gli appunti che ho collezionato in questi anni. Si tratta di argomenti che spaziano molto, partendo dalle medie fino ad arrivare alla quarta superiore, inoltre il libro è in continuo...