•Chapter 1• One Girl

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Parker looked down at the baby girl being put into her arms. The baby had only barely opened her eyes. Parker admired her daughter. She gently brushed her finger over the baby girl's head. "You're beautiful." She whispered. The nurse smiled at the woman before leaving the room. Parker admired every little feature of the baby in her arms. "I love you so much." She whispered, "And I don't even know you yet." She chuckled. The door slightly creaked open, making Parker glance up. Two little boys came running up to her bed. She could see their eyes peek over the bed. Stepping inside the room, was Bill with a young Jack on his arm. Bill's eyes widened slightly as he saw the baby girl lying in Parker's arms. The young woman looked up at her husband. "She's healthy." She said. The two little boys had managed to climb onto the bed their mother was sitting on. Bill walked over and set Jack down next to his brothers. Parker looked at her triplets. "Jayden, Jack, Jerry," She started, "Meet your sister," She added.

"Jade!" Ian called out. The strawberry-blonde girl snapped out of her thoughts. Ian was standing behind her at the door opening. "You ready to go?" He asked. Jade looked at him for a brief second. "Yeah, yeah, on my way." She replied. Ian watched for another two seconds before he walked off. Jade looked at the bag on the bed. She turned her head to look at the picture on her nightstand. The photograph showed her three older brothers and her on her first birthday. She was wearing a small hat and her brothers hugged her tightly. Jade couldn't help but admire the picture. When you think of what happened in the past few months, you wouldn't believe the picture. Then again, they were all so young back then. So innocent, with no worries. She grabbed the picture and pushed it into her bag. She closed it and slung the bag over her shoulder. She walked through the hallway and made her way up the small stairs. Ian was leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. He quickly noticed the sounds of Jade coming up the stairs. She walked past him. He turned his head to look at her. "Took you long enough." He complained. Jade rolled her eyes. "I'm faster than you picking out clothes in the morning." She snapped back at him. Jade pushed open the door, stepping out into the open. "You're starting to become more and more like your father," Ian tells her, "Cocky" He added. "Well, someone's gotta do it, right?" Jade replied. The sky was grey again. A cold breeze brushed against Jade's cheeks. January. Jade couldn't help but hate this month. It was extremely cold and depressing. Jade let out a deep sigh before heading towards the car waiting for them. Ian was following close behind. The two of them slipped into the car, immediately letting the warmth embrace them.

"Where to, boss?" The man in the driver's seat questioned. "First I need to gather my laptop from my house. I will also search my father's bedroom again. See if I can find anything that's gonna help us." Jade answered. Ian glared at her. "Who made you the boss?" He asked. Jade turned her head to him and shrugged. "Guess I just am." She said. "Don't get too excited, little one. Just because you're his daughter, does not mean you're the boss." Ian tells her. "We'll see about that," Jade replied quietly earning a glare from Ian. The strawberry-blonde-haired girl leaned forward. "Maybe you should stop somewhere to get grumpy pants some ice cream." She whispered to him. The man chuckled. "Sure thing, boss." He replied. Jade gently patted his shoulder before sitting back in her seat in the back of the car. Ian continued to glare at her. Jade scrunched her nose at him and smiled. Ian sighed and turned his head away from her. Jade ruled her eyes and leaned forward again. She checked behind her to see Ian focusing on his tablet. She turned back to the man and handed him a folded piece of paper. "And could you pass this to the other house?" She whispered to him. The man in the driver's seat nodded and took the paper from her hands. "Sure thing, Boss." He tells her. Jade sat back down in her seat and pulled out her phone. The driver started the car and drove off. The strawberry-blonde-haired girl was going to head out of town with her former father's colleagues of his, so-called, 'Pack'. Megan wasn't the only one who her father was after. While searching her house, only a few days after her brothers got taken away, she found an old logbook that belonged to her father. She was surprised to find it after having searched the room so many times. The book was mostly filled with Bill's writing about how much he loved Parker and how much he missed her. But also little things about her and her brothers while they were growing up. But the two last pages stood out to her. On the pages, were two names and two addresses. They belonged to the girls who were captured alongside Selena all those years ago. But the question is, how did he manage to find them after all these years? And why was he looking?

All of those questions would, hopefully, be answered soon. Right now, what they should be worrying about, is finding a way to get into the Salvini house. Without getting noticed by the rest of the neighborhood. Especially the people living across the street. The Greenwoods. A family who, just like the Salvini's, have their secrets. The Salvini's and Greenwoods have some complicated history. Bill Salvini kidnapped Selena Greenwood and tried to kill her alongside her friends. Not your typical 'something happened between mommy and the neighbor years ago' kind of story. It was rather strange that Selena would choose to continue living in Hill City after everything that happened to her. And across the street from the man who abducted and tried to murder her? How insane is that? Well, Selena wanted to show that she wasn't afraid of Bill anymore. That he would never be able to scare her, or her family, ever again. Which, of course, wasn't true. She was still terrified of the man. Another reason for Selena to stay is that she wanted to keep a close eye on him. To make sure he wouldn't do anything like that ever again. Andrew, another member of the Greenwood family tree, had told Jade all of this. And she thought Selena was just messed up in her head. That she didn't know how to process it all. Even after all those years. Jade forced herself out of her thoughts. She looked at the driver again. "Make sure you park the car a few blocks away. We don't want anyone noticing us as we sneak inside." She tells him. "How are you going to sneak in by using the front door?" The man questioned. Jade chuckled in response. "Who said anything about the front door?" She asked. She pulled out her phone and focused her eyes on the screen. "Just drop us off and wait for my signal." She tells him. The man nodded. "Understood." He replied. Meanwhile, Ian had his eyes still glued onto the screen of his tablet. "What are you doing?" She asked him. Ian's eyes remained glued onto the screen. "I'm reading an article. Your brothers are all over the news." He tells her. Jade rolled her eyes. "Haven't they milked that cow dry yet?" She sighed. "It doesn't seem like it," Ian replied. 

Jade leaned over to look at his screen. "The triplets, who have become famous at this point, remain behind closed doors. No charges have been dropped yet and the police are still investigating every single detail of this case. Greenwood claims that they are innocent but her parents say differently. It is unclear who, in this case, is telling the truth." Jade read out loud, "However, the police are still searching for someone else who might also have played a part in all of this. To guarantee the safety of this person, the police keep their identity a secret." She continued. Ian looked at the strawberry-blonde girl. Jade groaned and rolled her eyes. "We don't know if they're talking about me." She said. "It sounds like they are," Ian replied. Jade groaned loudly. "Can we not talk about this right now? Please?" She asked him. She didn't feel like talking about her brothers. "You made a choice, Jade." Ian reminds her. "Yeah, well, I made the wrong choice. I betrayed my blood. I am well aware of all of that. I do not need you to constantly remind me of what I have done. So, can we just please not talk about this?" She snapped at him. Ian holds up his hands in defense. "Sorry," He apologized. 

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