•Chapter 64• Comfy Dishes

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Leah stood by herself in the kitchen cleaning the dishes in the sink. The warm water was nice on her hands. During the winter she always turns the tap on with warm water when she washed her hands. She's done it ever since she was a kid. Her mother would turn on the warm water - after making cookies or baking something - and then sneakily tell her daughter not to tell anyone. "Mrs. Elms?" Leah glanced over her shoulder to see Jayden looking at her with a sheepish smile. "Didn't mean to interrupt your daydreaming," Jayden said. Leah returns the smile while she turns to him. She keeps her hands occupied by drying the freshly cleaned plates and setting them on the counter. "It's alright."
"I uh... I wanted to talk to you. Thank you again for taking us in. It can't be easy. Especially with your family gone. I can't help but feel like it's all my fault." Leah shakes her head no. "What? Sweetheart, you didn't do anything wrong." She said to him. "I know but it feels like I did. You know. I could've stopped him. Then again, no one ever stops him." Jayden started, "I'm sorry. I just- I feel responsible. I feel like I need to apologize. You should be with your family and not stuck in my twisted one's drama." He continued. "Honey, I was tangled in your family's drama years before you were here. There is no need for you to apologize."
"I know. Need some help with that?" Leah allowed him to dry off the dishes she washed. It felt strange. "You know, my kids would never do the dishes with me. I have to beg them and promise them something extra to get them even near the kitchen." Jayden laughed a little. "It's the least I can do, Mrs. Elms. I used to help my mom a lot. Especially when she was sick, you know. Dad was always gone. Jerry was too clumsy with the plates, too heavy, and Jack would always play with them instead of putting them back."

Leah smiles at the memory Jayden shared with her. She didn't think of Parker and Bill. She imagined some sweet couple with their kids. Not murderers. "That sounds nice," Leah tells him. Jayden briefly looks up at her. "It was." He said, "Man of the house." He chuckled lightly as he thought about that time he had with his parents. "What was your mom like? I didn't know her." Leah had heard about her. She could vaguely remember an image of the woman. But it was hard to conjure an image of a woman who was a loving mother to the children of a man who tried to murder you. "My mom? Uh- well... she was great. An angel, really. I know people have their opinions of her, you probably have them as well, but I can guarantee that they're mostly wrong. She played games with us. Oh, and her cookies were the best. She'd bark at Dad whenever he got home late with take-out when it was his turn to 'cook'. It was funny because she was eating while she was scolding him." Jayden laughed. It sounded like a normal family. With a loving mother and father. "Doesn't sound a lot like Bill."
"Yeah, I know. Mom really got the best out of him, you know. Not with the- the kidnapping stuff. I mean at home. He even went to Jerry's science thing one time. Never seen him so proud." Jayden recalled the pride on his father's face. He thought it was stupid at the time. Now it's a lovely memory that he cherished dearly for his youngest brother. "
"You seem so calm. It must be hard for you. Growing up without a mom, only having small memories of her." Leah guessed. Jayden set down one of the glasses and leaned against the counter as he looked at Leah. "I'll never make my peace with it. None of us will. You should've seen Jack. He's the worst... maybe don't ask him about it? He will probably punch a wall or something. He's not handling this all too well. It doesn't seem like that, I know, but this is all too much for him." Leah nodded her head. She couldn't imagine what these boys must be going through and what their thoughts were. "I can imagine that. It hasn't been easy for you. With parents like that. Even though they sound quite okay. Completely different people. But that's not surprising. They're your parents."

"I guess they are. Yeah. It's a little weird though, don't you think? I mean I don't think of you as one of Bill's victims. If anything, I see you as an old hookup of my uncle. A real hot one, might I add." He admits. "I'm really starting to regret I told you that." Leah laughs to herself. Jayden stepped forward and nudged her a little. "Oh, come on. I think it's great. Can't believe you'd let him get that close to you. I mean, have you seen him?"
"I have. More than you." Leah replied jokingly. "I am pretty sure I'd never, ever, want to see that much of him," Jayden replied in the same joking tone as Leah. He leans back against the kitchen counter. "I wouldn't mind seeing more of you, though." He shot her a cheeky grin. Leah looks up at him. "Just saying. Take this from me, you look way hotter than Selena. Like, damn." Leah doesn't want to comment on it, but it did boost her confidence a little. "I am?" She asked. Jayden's eyes widened a little. He hopped on top of the kitchen counter as he looked at the woman. "Are you kidding me? Apologies ahead, Mrs. Elms. But good good. I would call you Mama and not be ashamed of it. Like I know you're married and all that, and have kids, but hot damn. If you lived across the street I would not be watching TV ever." Jayden laughed at his own outburst. Leah blushed a little. Her husband complimented her daily. She knows she looks good for her age. But hearing it from someone like Jayden was a whole different confidence boost. "You're too sweet. And you know you can't say that. I am married. My kids are your age." Leah points out. 
"I am fully aware of that. Thank you for reminding me, by the way. I'm just saying. You look great." He compliments her with a sweet smile. "You're really sweet." Leah says, "I'm guessing that flirting is getting you a lot of attention at school." Ah, there it was. Jayden chuckled a little. "I wish. I've done my things, sure, but there's only been one girl I've been truly interested in if I'm honest." How could he be hitting on someone and be so open with them five seconds later? "Megan?" Jayden nodded his head. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm sure you two will figure it out." Leah said to him as she cupped his cheek in a motherly way. 

Jayden felt very warm inside. He hadn't felt this in a very long time. "Are you sure?" Leah nodded her head. "Very sure. Take that from someone who has some experience." Jayden looks at her. "You're good." He chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck. "And you're sweet. You know my husband has never said anything like that before."
"That's 'cause your husband is used to seeing you every day. He's nice for guys like me, you know? Giving us a chance to make you blush." Leah smiled and shoved the boy playfully. "You're a flirt." She said. "Yes, yes I am. And you're blushing. So my work here is done." They laughed and chatted for a while like that. Leah was starting to feel more comfortable around him. Truth be told, that was Jayden's plan. He didn't want her to feel unsafe.
Jayden's phone started ringing, one that he got from Louis just in case. "Sorry." He said to Leah, "Hello? Oh, hey. Hold on I'll get him for you. Jerry!" The youngest triplet appeared in the kitchen in a few seconds. "Yeah?"
"Phone for you," Jayden tells his brother and hands him the phone. Jerry frowned at him. His eyes briefly dart between Jayden and Leah. "Dude, I'm scoring over here. Leave." Jayden said. "You're scoring? He's scoring?" Leah shrugged slightly. "We're just talking."
"And I am making her blush. You are dismissed. Go. Shoot!" Jerry rolled his eyes at his brother and walked out of the kitchen with the phone in his hands. "So, where were we?" Leah shakes her head and splashes some water on the boy's face causing him to laugh.

"Hello?" Jerry said. "Hi," The softest voice on the other end of the phone replied. He'd expected his uncle. "Lizzy? I'm so glad to hear your voice, baby." He hated to be apart from her during all this. He really craved a good hug from her. "How are you doing?" He questioned. "I'm okay. I miss you, though." She answered, "How are you?"
"Jayden's hitting on the woman who took us in. Jack and Megan are watching some television. So they're all occupied. Which is good. Could use a break from all the insanity." Liz stayed silent on the other side of the line. "Baby?" He calls out. "What?"
"You were quiet. And you called. Something's wrong." Jerry filled in the blanks before she could even process the full conversation. She was too caught up on hearing his voice again after such a long time. "Lizzy, you can tell me. What's wrong?" She hesitated a little longer. "There was something on the news. Lucas Brown, the detective who was stalking Jade, was killed. Casper's car crashed. Andrew wanted me to call Louis and he told me to tell you. Jade's missing. She's off the map and so is Casper. Jerry, I am so sorry." 
"What? Why would you apologize? That's not your fault. Thank you for telling me." He assures her, "We'll find her. I'm sure someone will. Everything's fine. Maybe she escaped on her own." Liz hummed quietly. Jerry glanced over his shoulder to see if anyone else was listening in on them. "As long as you're safe. That's all that matters to me." He said, "I've got the time. You want to talk a little more?" He suggested. "I would really like that." She responds with a smile. One that he could only imagine.

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