•Chapter 47• Story to Tell

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They sat together on the couch. The duvet covered their laps as they snuggled close to one another. "This is new." Casper mumbles. Jade looks at him shyly. "I don't mind- I mean- I like that we -" He stammered. Jade smiles at him. "Why are you so nervous?" She asks him sweetly. She reached out her hand to stroke his cheek. Casper locked their eyes again. He couldn't find the courage to tear his eyes away from her. This warm feeling he got when seeing her was a whole new experience. "I'm not being nervous." He tried to shrug it off. Jade chewed on the eggs Casper made for her. "You are!" She giggles, "Something wrong? Oh god, I didn't do anything weird in my sleep, did I?" She started to feel worried. She had no control over what she did when she was asleep. What if she did something weird? She was about to cover her face with her hands when he gently grasped her wrists. "You didn't do anything in your sleep, boss." He chuckles. Jade let out a sigh of relief. The sudden flush of embarrassment quickly disappeared, just a heavy weight being lifted off her chest. "Was something supposed to happen?" Casper questions with a smirk clear as day on his lips. "Stop that. No." Her tone was a little more serious than before but still playful. She nudges his shoulder with hers. "Come on, what's wrong? Are you afraid I'm gonna fire you or something?" She chuckles at him. Casper sighs and shakes his head. "No, no," How could he tell her without coming off as a total weirdo? Would she think less of him? "It's nothing. It's strange to have someone here. I'm barely here anymore." He tells her.

Jade gives him a sweet smile. She shifts to set her plate down on the salon table beside them when she finishes and snuggles into him. His breath hitched slightly when she rested her head against his shoulder. "Your heart is beating abnormally fast." She mutters to him. Casper just stared at the plate in his hands. He couldn't look at her now, even if he wanted to. His face would betray his thoughts for sure. "Cas," She said softly, "Hey, look at me. Come on. What is it?" She questions. "You're close." He whispers. He peeked up slightly to catch her looking at him and searching for his gaze. "I'm sorry." She started to scoot away slightly, barely an inch. Casper started shaking his head and rushed to place his breakfast on the table so he could place both of his hands on her waist to pull her toward him again. "I like you being close." Casper's cheeks heated up once those words rolled off his tongue. "Then I'm not moving." She replies. She was almost sitting on his lap as he cuddled her closer and closer. "Can I ask you something?" She asked him as she rested her hand on his hair. "Anything." He nodded his head as his index finger found her thigh and softly caressed her skin. "How did my dad get to you? What did he want?" She asks him. His movements suddenly stopped and something in his eyes changed. "You don't have to tell if you -" She quickly started. "No, no, it's not a very pleasant story, that's all." His hand rested back on her thigh, slowly moving his hand back and forth on her flesh. "I'm not proud of it." He added.

"It wasn't long after your brothers were taken off to jail and you took charge. I was still getting used to everything, so at first, I wasn't entirely sure who he was. I thought he was dead. That's what Ian told me." He started. She could feel his grip on her thigh becoming a tad stronger. "Bill somehow found out about me. I wouldn't ask too many questions.  And I didn't. He told me to keep an eye on you and pass him the information I gathered. At first, I didn't know what I was doing. I... had a crush on you. So, I wasn't complaining about getting to spend so much time with you. But I got so lost in you, that I forgot about Bill. The next time we spoke, he was furious. He said that if I didn't do as he said, he would kill you." He tells her. Jade felt her hands slip to the back of his neck gently tugging at the ends of his hair and massaging his muscles. Casper looked at her again. "I couldn't let that happen. You were everything to me. I didn't have anyone else. You appreciated me. So, I started telling Bill everything. If anything happened to you I- I -" He stopped himself mid-sentence. She listened patiently while also comforting him. How was she doing that? "Why did he want all that? Did he say anything about that?" Jade questioned. "You were Daddy's little girl, he said. It killed him that he couldn't be with you. But then, one night, he snapped. I overheard him talking to himself. Bill is threatened by you." He answers. Jade let out a sigh and shifted slightly in her seat. "That sounds like my dad." She mumbled. "I didn't want to, boss. I swear. I didn't have anything else." Casper quickly told her. 

"Ian found me... about a month or two before all that. I was, uh, well... my mom wasn't -" He stuttered. You could practically hear his heart breaking. That little glimpse of light in his eyes just went out, simply by mentioning his mother. He lowered his head slightly. "I didn't have a choice. Her horrible boyfriends... Every night they would come by. I had to listen to every single one of them. There were times when- when they would... get handsy with me as well. They paid my mom. But she hated me. She kept telling me that she tried to abort me, that she never wanted me, but it didn't work. Told me that every day. She wouldn't even hold me when I wasn't feeling well or pick me up from school. I had to steal my food at some point because my mom wouldn't, as she called it, waste any more money on me." His voice cracked as he spoke. Something in her heart and gut twisted. Casper didn't talk about his mother. His father passed away when he was young, so she just assumed he was staying with his mom. But this she never could've imagined. "Ian caught me. Saw potential in me and offered me a job. You know the rest." He chuckled at her. She cupped his cheek in her hand while tears started to form in her eyes. "Casper," She said softly, almost in a whisper. "It's not that bad." He shrugged. Jade snuggled into him, holding him very close to herself. 

Her warmth was all he needed right now. "I do love you." She tells him. He could only smile and tighten his grip around her. "And I'll kiss every boo-boo better if you want me to." She giggled through her tears, just to make him feel better. If his heart wasn't pounding yet, it would've by now. "Thank you for telling me, Cas." She said. "Anything for you, Boss." He replied. God, he was so madly in love with her. This sudden rush of feelings just came over him again like they did months ago. She sat on his lap, cradled in his arms, while she, comforted him with only her touch. After sitting like this for a few minutes, just taking each other in, some of his words suddenly hit her. "You had a crush on me?" She asks. He looks at her with his cheeks burning up once again. He was blushing more with her in a day than he'd done in his entire lifetime. He simply nodded, afraid of his voice cracking or in any other way betraying him. She simply grinned at him a little mischievously. "Awh, that's sweet," She smiles brightly. Casper chuckled awardly and looked at her. He tensed up when he saw blood dripping from her nose. "Hey, hey, take it easy." He says. His hand immediately went up to her nose and wiped away the blood. "You good?" He questioned. She nodded and looked at his hand sadly. He put his clean finger under her chin and turned her attention to him. "I said I would take care of you, and I always keep my word." He reminds her. She rested her head against his chest again. "I wish we could stay here forever." She hummed. "Me too. Me too." He replied and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She called out as the harsh banging on the front door continued. "Hold on!" She screamed impatiently. She finally reached the door and opened it. She was ready to complain but felt herself go silent when her gaze fell upon the person in front of her. "What are you doing here?" She questioned. "I just want to talk," Louis tells her. She gripped the doorknob tightly on the inside. "I don't want to talk to you. How did you find me?" Louis sighed and briefly glanced over his shoulder. "He's coming for you." He spoke quietly. "He's dead." The woman gritted between her teeth. She was ready to slam the door shut when he stopped it with his bare hand. "Leah, please." He said, "I wouldn't be here if he was. He's coming for you. People are missing again, someone died, and you could be next. Listen to me." He tells her sternly. Her tough expression dropped and her heartbeat increased. "Come in." She stepped aside so Louis and Ian could step into the hallway. Leah Elms started to panic, Bill Salvini was coming for her once again.

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