•Chapter 59• They Are Okay

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The doorbell is going crazy and there is a loud pounding on the front door. It is very, very, loud. Leah pulled the door open hesitantly. She almost slammed it right then and there when she looked straight at Jayden. Louis stopped the door from slamming shut with his hand. "Leah, hey, It's okay. It's not Bill." Louis tells her, "Open the door. Ian said you would take the boys in." Leah swallowed the large lump in her throat before she opened the door again. The triplets pulled Megan along with them as they entered Leah's house, which looked darker than ever before. When Louis stepped inside he immediately noticed her frightened expression. "Are you okay?" He asks her. "You didn't tell me they looked like him. Did you see that kid?" Leah mumbled under her breath. "I know, I know. I'm sorry." Leah follows the kids into the living room and Louis is following close behind. "Ian's going to be here soon. You four behave. Mrs. Elms is incredibly generous to take you in. Bill's not gonna look for you here. So be nice to Mrs. Elms, alright?" Jayden eyes her up and down while his brothers look at their uncle. "Is she your new hookup or something?" Jack spoke jokingly. Louis glares at the boy before giving a brief look to his brother. Jerry lifts his head and smacks his brother's head. "Ouch! Hey, that still hurts. I thought we weren't doing that anymore." Jack complains as he rubs the back of his head. 

Louis takes Leah into the kitchen to have a little more privacy while the boys start exploring the living room. "That girl, that's not-" Leah starts. Louis shakes his head. "It's Megan. She is completely harmless." He assures her. Yet, she still seemed to be frightened by the teenagers standing in her living room. "Hey," Louis nudges her slightly, "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. Leah nodded her head but still felt very uncomfortable. "Yeah, yeah... I'm fine it's just... He just looks a lot like him. Especially him." The two adults look at Jayden. "He's nothing like Bill, I promise," Louis assures her again. "Thank you for taking them in."
"As long as you catch him and keep him far away from me-" Leah says. "He's not coming here," Louis replies sternly, "Just... you might not want to mention the whole cabin thing to the boys. They will ask you tons of questions. I know you're not comfortable with it." He knows that better than anyone. Louis, sadly, is the only person she could talk to. She wouldn't dare to open her mouth to anyone else, not even her own husband. "And their sister?" Leah asks. "She is safe. We're keeping her, and her brothers, separate just in case." Louis answers, "Jade's fine." He added.

"You're breathing in my neck." Jade chuckles. Casper's grip around her just tightened. Like he was going to leave her side after everything that happened. It was all so stressful and scary. He was scared to leave her alone in case something happened. "I breathe. Sorry." Casper chuckles jokingly behind her. Jade didn't want to be alone either. Casper's arm is hooked around her tightly with his face near her neck. "You're comfy, you know that?." Casper compliments her. Jade smiles a little. The whole situation they are in is not the best, neither of them can deny that, but this lights the mood even if it's just a little bit. The silence between them was quickly filled by a small stomach growling. Jade flips to lie on her other side to face Casper. "I'm not getting up." Casper tells her before she even opens her mouth to say anything. She glares at him and her lips form a small pout. "I'm hungry." She tells him sweetly. "I made you plenty of breakfast. I'm tired." Casper chuckles softly as he shuts his eyes again. The soft morning sun shines very slightly through the caps of the curtains. "You make the best eggs, though. Even better than Louis. Don't tell him I said that." Jade's uncle did not enjoy cooking. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, you name it. But when they were little, Louis would sometimes make different kinds of eggs for the four Salvini kids, made to their liking. And he would never stop bragging about it. He wants it to be written on his gravestone whenever he dies. 'Greatest breakfast egg maker who ever lived'

"See, I do not believe that. Louis is barely able to pour himself a drink." Casper jokes. "You make the best ones though." Jade beats her eyelashes at the young man. "Don't flatter me. And don't do that with your eyes." He tells her sternly. But Jade continues to beat her eyelashes at him. "Please, Cas? I'll buy you that chocolate milk you like. How does that sound? Huh huh." She offers while nudging him gently. "The one with the smiling cow on the carton?" Casper asks her quietly. "I will buy you three," Jade promises him. Casper exclaims a sigh and rolls away from her. "I can't go against that cow." Jade laughs and embraces the young man tightly. "You know, you're a big baby." One of Casper's arms is draped around her waist again. "I thought all men were." Jade nods her head against his chest. "Yeah, most of them are. The best ones." Casper looks at her and gives her a tight squeeze. "No more need flattery, sweets. I'm already making you breakfast." Casper then pushed himself off the bed and put on his socks. Jade sits up and watches him. "I thought you wanted to treat me like a princess. Aren't you going to help me get dressed, good sir?" Jade said sarcastically. "You can put on your own socks, sweets. I'm not gonna carry you, either." Jade rolls her eyes at the young man teasingly. "Fine, fine, I'll put on my own socks, then." She reaches out to grab one of his clean pair of socks off the floor which had fallen from the drawer. Casper keeps his gaze locked on her as she pulls the warm fabric over her feet. "You're putting them on wrong." He points out to her. He walks over to her and fixes the socks. Well, he twists them a little, only to end up the same way. "See, better," Casper tells her. "You just made them do a 360." Jade laughs. Casper grabs her hands and carefully helps her up on her feet. "No, you put them on wrong. They're my socks. Not only that, it's my shirt too. I have some experience with them. Something you don't." He tells her. He is trying to step away from the whole princess treatment, but he thinks she deserves nothing less.

During breakfast Casper's phone went off. "It's Ian," he informs the girl. It's safe for them to start moving now. Bill is nowhere to be found and neither is Detective Hayes. Jade quickly shoved her scrambled eggs inside her mouth before rushing to the living room to grab the bag Ian packed for her, back at their other hideout, and dropped off at Louis. "Okay, we're gonna rush to the grocery store first and then we'll meet with the others," Jade says. "Yeah, Rico is waiting for us there," Casper tells her. "I thought he was on holiday with his family?" She said. "Little buddy's sick. They're staying at the hotel. The kid's too sick for a plane ride of five hours and another two hours in a taxi. They're coming back tomorrow." Casper informs her. They get out of the house together as they are still putting on their jackets and locking the front door behind them. "And he's working? Tell him to go home. His kid needs him. Someone else will take over." Jade tells him as they get in the car together. Rico loves his kids more than anything. And it's not like he needs the money. Ian probably put him on the job because Bill might know of his absence and wouldn't expect him. "You're the boss." Casper reminds her with a slight smirk as he hands her his phone. "Right... Right, I am." Jade looks at the phone screen and searches for his name while Casper drives the car. Jade sat there humming a quiet tune as she waited for Rico to pick up. When suddenly, there was a harsh slam right by her side. The impact causes Casper to hit his head on the steering wheel and lose control of the car. Another car hit them, and crashed right into them, causing their car to turn on its side.

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